While we are on the topic of drinking, what is your best/worst drinking experiences?
Some of mine are:
14 years old, drinking a bottle of Jim Beam (700ml), a bottle of tequila (400ml), several Strongbows and (doesn't really count as drinking) lots of 'greens', if you catch my drift. During the night I rode a trailor down a hill with several others and busted the axle, had laughing fits for no reason and woke up next to a chick I barely knew.
A few months later I went to a party, which was in the middle of a paddock. I drank a bottle and a half of Jim Beam and had more 'greens'. I was passed out before noon and threw up countless times. Later the owner of the land came by to check on us, he though everything was OK till he saw me laying on the ground so he called out my name. Apparently I mumbled something and then vomitted again so he thought I was alright. Since then, I haven't been able to stand the smell of Jim Beam, let alone the taste.
The least I've ever remembered after a night of drinking was 10 minutes in an 8 hour period. I seemed to jump from place to place. First I was at home drinking, then I was at my friends house, then I was home again, then I was at the back of the bakery about to do the 'bakery run' with my friends (for those who don't know, that's when you steal the garbage bags full of bread and other baked goods that didn't sell during that day), then I was throwing the bread around a park, then I was roof rocking a guys house, then I woke up the next day, in my bed, which was a surprise.
I've got countless other drinking stories of waking up in weird places, waking up next to chicks and not knowing how it happened (I still shudder thinking of some of the least pleasant ones) but I'd prefer not to.
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