Where is your limit?

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01/19/2004 8:11 am
How much can you (if you) drink when you play guitar before you play worse than you did sober?

My answer: 5 Ā½liters beers, 2.8% alc.vol. Very swedish..

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# 1
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01/19/2004 10:06 am
After a six pack I notice my fine motor skills act up a bit.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 2
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01/19/2004 10:49 am
Originally posted by Inisfail
How much can you (if you) drink when you play guitar before you play worse than you did sober?

My answer: 5 Ā½liters beers, 2.8% alc.vol. Very swedish..

5 Ā½ litres of light beer would have you going to the toilet ever 10 minutes.

On new year's eve I drank a whole 700 ml bottle of vodka and then played 'Stairway To Heaven'. I couldn't see the fretboard properly and my fingertips were numb but I apparently played quite well, only a few mistakes, for someone in my state.
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# 3
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01/19/2004 11:19 am
I always find i play better when i have been drinking. I usually just go mental and start doing dive bombs and stuff. Im sure if i did drink 3 pints of beer in an hour or less that would probably effect my playing and i would end up breaking my guitar or whatever guitar i'm playing.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 4
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01/19/2004 11:43 am
While we are on the topic of drinking, what is your best/worst drinking experiences?

Some of mine are:

14 years old, drinking a bottle of Jim Beam (700ml), a bottle of tequila (400ml), several Strongbows and (doesn't really count as drinking) lots of 'greens', if you catch my drift. During the night I rode a trailor down a hill with several others and busted the axle, had laughing fits for no reason and woke up next to a chick I barely knew.

A few months later I went to a party, which was in the middle of a paddock. I drank a bottle and a half of Jim Beam and had more 'greens'. I was passed out before noon and threw up countless times. Later the owner of the land came by to check on us, he though everything was OK till he saw me laying on the ground so he called out my name. Apparently I mumbled something and then vomitted again so he thought I was alright. Since then, I haven't been able to stand the smell of Jim Beam, let alone the taste.

The least I've ever remembered after a night of drinking was 10 minutes in an 8 hour period. I seemed to jump from place to place. First I was at home drinking, then I was at my friends house, then I was home again, then I was at the back of the bakery about to do the 'bakery run' with my friends (for those who don't know, that's when you steal the garbage bags full of bread and other baked goods that didn't sell during that day), then I was throwing the bread around a park, then I was roof rocking a guys house, then I woke up the next day, in my bed, which was a surprise.

I've got countless other drinking stories of waking up in weird places, waking up next to chicks and not knowing how it happened (I still shudder thinking of some of the least pleasant ones) but I'd prefer not to.
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# 5
Yngtchie Blacksteen
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01/19/2004 12:26 pm
I wouldn't know, as I don't drink any alcohol.
# 6
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01/19/2004 12:44 pm
How much, do I have to drink before I start playing worse?

One beer.

But the more important question is, how much can I drink and still play fairly well (well enough not to get kicked out of the band ;)). Its somewhere between 1.5 and 2 cases of budweiser.
# 7
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01/19/2004 2:57 pm
Originally posted by Seve420
While we are on the topic of drinking, what is your best/worst drinking experiences?

After 5 years at one of the nation's premeir party schools I have too many stories to tell.. Here's a fave...

Spring Break of my freshman year of college... I was over at my buddy's house, but he was away in Florida (I was tight with his whole family). Any way, me and a different friend were proving how good college had prepared us for the shot gunning of beer. (If you don't know, when you shotgun a beer, you jab a whole near the bottom of the can, then open up the tab and a vacuum is created that forces the beer out of the hole at a phenomenol rate). So in a 2-3 hour period I had over a dozen beers. Then someone breaks out some liquor. There was this nasty, kinda, fuzzy navel-like bottle that I drank half of. The real killer in the story was that they had strawberries in one of those green quart baskets that I was gnawing on the hole night as well. So to finish off the night we were doing shots of this horrible, horrible liquor called Aftershock. A little while later I went into aftershock :D. It was like 4am and I was ready to pass out, so since my buddy was in Florida, I was gonna sleep in his room. I remember the room was dark, with the only light coming in from hallway via a the cracked door. Then my head started spinning real bad. I began throwing up right in front of me (no hope of making it to the toilet). I threw up so f*ckin' hard that my eyes were bloodshot from all the little blood vessels breaking up in my eyes. I remember feeling a little relieved after that, and then turned on the light to take a damage survey. Did I mention this house was only two years old? I had created a huge puddle of reddish vomit (with strawberry matter for aesthetic purposes) all over my buddies nice, new, very lightly colored beige carpet. But the damage didn't stop there. There was a clothes basket full of clean t-shirts that got nailed too. I went into his Mom's room and informed her of the mayhem that I had created. Did I mention she is one of the coolest people I've ever met? She was wasted too, but wasn't angry. We cleaned up the mess to an acceptable amount for the night and then I passed out. The next morning I awoke to a terrible hangover (duh!) and tried to recount the previous night's happenings as best I could. We had breakfast and were laughing about what had happened. I left soon after, but returned with a carpet scrubber thing that I had rented. Everything worked out fine in the end, and my buddy still wears the T-shirts :eek:. Too bad the family moved to Washington D.C. the next year, I haven't seen them since...:(
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
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# 8
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01/19/2004 3:33 pm
Usually getting drunk helps me on the guitar until I drink enough to where I pass out.
# 9
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01/19/2004 7:48 pm
Ive been told I play better
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# 10
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01/19/2004 8:12 pm
Originally posted by aiwass
I don't drink.

How can you not drink ? Is there something wrong with you ?

I know one of my friends doesnt drink and i thought he was the only person in the world that could drink that doesnt.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 11
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01/19/2004 8:24 pm
Leedogg, that was a cool story. I love hearing people's stories about when they were drunk. Always makes me laugh.

I have a friend that used to have loads of parties and we use to sleep out in his garden because he had a massive house and his garden was really long and his parents couldnt see what we were up to down the bottom of garden. Anyway, we thought it would be fun to go and sit in the green house. We sat down and i managed to cause this slab of concrete that was holding all these stones together to collapse. I got really worried that his parents were going to ban me and be really pissed off with me. We luckily manage to fix the problem after a while. After this we sneaked inside to get some wiskey and some other spirits that we werent actually allowed. Some idiot lobbed a mars bar at me and i dropped my beer and it went all of the carpet. Again we managed to clean the mess and get back out the house without his parents waking up. Feeling quite excited now we decided to put so music on at the bottom of the garden and have a bit of a mosh. My one friend jumped of the bench and tried a bit of crowd surfing. While everyone carried on i jumped up on the bench and tryed jumping off when i realized it had just snapped the bench in half. It was snapped right in the middle. This was no normal bench though. It was a wedding present. It had my friends parents names ingraved into it. Now i was really sh*tt*ing myself. His mum always went down and sat on the bench to smoke. I never heard anything about this again. I dont even know if his parents know it was me.

By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 12
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01/19/2004 8:32 pm
Fair enough. Thats what my friend says. He goes on about staying healthy. Your right to drink water. Stuff like coke is really bad for your teeth. I dont like the taste of a lot of beer and find i cant drink much sometimes without feeling sick really quickly but sometimes i can drink loads and just keep going. I dont drink beer that much but at parties i always have to have 1 or 2 just to feel a bit happier.
By virtue of their electrical properties, tubes generate a special waveform when they're saturated, which is why tube engineering has tremendous tonal advantages over solid state or DSP solutions, particularly for crunch and lead sounds. Tubes enter the saturation zone gradually or softly, which lends tube-driven tone its trademark yet totally unique character.
# 13
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01/20/2004 12:12 am
Take some advice from an old hand, getting drunk NEVER makes you play better, it just makes you (and only you) think you are playing better.

No one enjoys a beer more than me however alcohol / drugs and performing well do not mix !

You spend hours honing your coordination only to ruin it by getting ratid...bad idea ! Who wants to watch some old rummy missing strings...not me !

Think of your favorite guitarist and then ask your self if they get drunk before going on stage ?

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# 14
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01/20/2004 1:01 am
I don't drink seeing as im only 13 years old and my parents would kill me. Anyways im not a big fan of drugs or alchohol.... call me a whoos or w/e... but ill be the one whos sittin at home when ur all in the hospital with liver failure.
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# 15
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01/20/2004 2:49 am
I've decided to keep drinking to a minimum this year seeing it's my last year at secondary school and I want to ace it. There will be loads of 18th birthday parties too, god dammit.
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# 16
The Ace
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01/20/2004 3:19 am
Originally posted by Yngtchie Blacksteen
I wouldn't know, as I don't drink any alcohol.

Hey Me 2! Sober Kings of the world Unite!
Well there was this one time...... Oh ya and when I was in Vegas.... and at home.... and At that bar down the street....

*note - the comment above contains the MOST amount of sarcasm I have used in my life, due to the fact that I DO NOT drink

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# 17
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01/20/2004 3:51 am
Never drank. No particular reason why, never thought about it much.
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# 18
Grizzled Spellchecker
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01/20/2004 4:37 am
After one beer, I start to get sleepy. I think it's the hops, or something. I can handle hard liquor, but something in beer makes me want to nap after a couple of sips.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

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# 19
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01/20/2004 7:04 am
I dont need liquer to get loose haha im wicked by nature :P

so I rarely drink, and if I do I alwayse stay sober :)
# 20

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