plus i guess this has been said before...the most important thing is inspiration. and this prolly wont hit you when youre locked in your room, trying to write lyrics all night :) go somewhere, do lots of different stuff, talk to lots of different people...
oh yeah that reminds me : one thing that helps me when i cant figure out how to write lyrics for a certain song :
write it from a different perspective ! be an actor.
this morning i wrote a song about a totally desperate girl who would do anything for a guy if he'll only stay with her.
now ... i'm a guy (not THAT guy :))...but i wrote it all outta the girls perspective! ...sometimes this approach takes some courage like all actin ... but its fun...
oh yeah this also works if youre working on a speed metal epic ... if you normally portray the good guys, try writing about the evil dragons motives...know what i mean :)
okay gotta go