I can't write lyrics to save my life. I can usually get a few lines down, but then go blank. Even when I try to go back to something I've somewhat started, I can't add much of anything to it. I have written several things, so I know I can do it. Sometimes I'll have this big thought or scenario that fits the songs mood perfect, but I can't turn it into lyrics. I've tried everything I can think of from just writing random thoughts down to recording a song and playing it over and over while trying to come up with something......in the end, I'm still right where I started. Any advice for as to how I should go about putting my thoughts to a song.
writing lyrics
# 1
I find that it easier just to fit the words to the music even if the words don't fit to well together at first. Thats what revision is for! I recommend just writing down a bunch of lines that go with the rhythm, riff whatever, and picking and choosing the best ones. Also remember that some of the simplest songs are the best. They don't have to be all complex, and indie-like.
# 2
One good idea is a method Mick Jagger uses; he carries a notebook around all the time and writes in it whenever he gets hit by the muse. Also, he doesn't write in verse, but in prose. That means that he doesn't write actual rhyming/rhythmic lines, but just thoughts in regular format.
I suggested this to my bass player/singer when he said that he was starting to run out of ideas for lyrics. It's actually worked very well for him.
I suggested this to my bass player/singer when he said that he was starting to run out of ideas for lyrics. It's actually worked very well for him.
... and that's all I have to say about that.
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]
# 3
Try getting piss drunk and chiefin' on some herb (if that's your kinda thing) and write away. Write for hours and hours if you can. Then take a look at it the next day and see if there's anything useful on the pages.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 4
# 5

I ussually rite my music first... because i like to see how the words will fit into the song. Just yesterday ( at a new years eve party) Me my bro and 3 of his friends tried making a song and we recorded and put it onto the computer. It was easy chord proggressions.... some cheesey keyboard.... and a trumpet... ( it was kinda sakish). But the words fit great. ( im not evn gunna say em there that bad).
Member of band: Amphiptere (am-fi-teer)
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar
Genre: Speed Metal, Thrash Metal
I am: Lead guitar
# 6

For me, producing music and the lyrics isn't a problem. Somehow, they just pop up in my head. Sometimes they fit, sometimes they don't. If they don't I end up composing two different songs. One based on the music, the other, based on the lyrics. Coming up with music for a lyric, I somehow find easier. But fitting in an existing lyric to music is hard so I tend to do some revisions to the lyrics like what iiholly does, so that I can fit it in.
As for writing lyrics, I find that focusing on one area like a certain topic helps- depending on what kind of music you're planning to write. Stop worrying how it will fit the song, or that the lyrics has to be good. Worry about it later. As iholly said: that's what revisions are for. To tell you the truth, writing lyrics only gets hard when you try to make an effort and be technical about it. Make it natural- like speaking or telling a story. I find that tapping on your emotion, your feminine side, your memories, your wit/ sense of humor etc. helps a great deal because you don't have to think too much and make an effort of what you write. It's like writing an essay- it's easier to write a topic that you know about, like you're favorite trip rather than writing an essay about nuclear physics. Let it flow man. Good luck writing those hits.
As for writing lyrics, I find that focusing on one area like a certain topic helps- depending on what kind of music you're planning to write. Stop worrying how it will fit the song, or that the lyrics has to be good. Worry about it later. As iholly said: that's what revisions are for. To tell you the truth, writing lyrics only gets hard when you try to make an effort and be technical about it. Make it natural- like speaking or telling a story. I find that tapping on your emotion, your feminine side, your memories, your wit/ sense of humor etc. helps a great deal because you don't have to think too much and make an effort of what you write. It's like writing an essay- it's easier to write a topic that you know about, like you're favorite trip rather than writing an essay about nuclear physics. Let it flow man. Good luck writing those hits.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 7

The only place i can write from is my heart. When im down or glad i write a song. I can stand up in the middle of the night just write what i feel.
Its all about feelings.
The hardest part about writing, is to put the words in to a song with a nice melody. First i make the melody, and then i put each word together.. Sometimes i can even switch the whole text beacause it dont fit in to the song. That can be very hard to do.
A lyric of mine:
Someone Around Me
I need some around me
Someone to hold me
Someone to love me
I need something special
Something that makes me glad
Something that makes me stay
Pre Chorus:
I miss you
Cause I miss you
Yeah I want you back
Yeah I want you here
When you hold me
And when you are loving me
I feel like im crossing to another side
Feelings are crumbling
Feelings are humbling
It`s real, I`m on the otherside
Pre Chorus:
I miss you
Cause I miss you
Yeah I want you back
Yeah I want you here
Baby realese me please so I can fly away
Feelings are crumbling inside of me
Let me push it away
When you realesed me baby and let me fly away
It felt so good baby like it used to do
Baby realese me please so I can fly away
Feelings are crumbling inside of me
Let me push it away
When you realesed me baby and let me fly away
It felt so good baby like it used to do
Here is live concert audio from that song:
Its all about feelings.
The hardest part about writing, is to put the words in to a song with a nice melody. First i make the melody, and then i put each word together.. Sometimes i can even switch the whole text beacause it dont fit in to the song. That can be very hard to do.
A lyric of mine:
Someone Around Me
I need some around me
Someone to hold me
Someone to love me
I need something special
Something that makes me glad
Something that makes me stay
Pre Chorus:
I miss you
Cause I miss you
Yeah I want you back
Yeah I want you here
When you hold me
And when you are loving me
I feel like im crossing to another side
Feelings are crumbling
Feelings are humbling
It`s real, I`m on the otherside
Pre Chorus:
I miss you
Cause I miss you
Yeah I want you back
Yeah I want you here
Baby realese me please so I can fly away
Feelings are crumbling inside of me
Let me push it away
When you realesed me baby and let me fly away
It felt so good baby like it used to do
Baby realese me please so I can fly away
Feelings are crumbling inside of me
Let me push it away
When you realesed me baby and let me fly away
It felt so good baby like it used to do
Here is live concert audio from that song:
# 8
No one cares what you need.
I mean I need sex, but no one seems to satisfy this need.
*note sarcasm*
I mean I need sex, but no one seems to satisfy this need.
*note sarcasm*
# 9

# 10

how is it that every post eventualy gets around to sex in one way or another?
Tandem Felix
# 11

# 12
Originally posted by complex
i dont know.. first time i have seen this happening!
I guess out of 8 posts you can establish the average subject of all the threads that have been going on since... year 2000 I believe.
I have nothing to do with all the subject ending up being sex.
Besides isn't sex the reason everyone starts to play guitar.
*note sarcasm*
# 13
Originally posted by iiholly I have nothing to do with all the subject ending up being sex.
'cough' 'cough' Bullsh*t.
Originally posted by iiholly
[QUOTE]Originally posted by complex
[B]i dont know.. first time i have seen this happening!
No, you haven't been here long enough then. iiholly always turns the subject into sex. :p
Originally posted by iiholly Besides isn't sex the reason everyone starts to play guitar.
No. My parents wouldn't let me have drums. :)
"My whole life is a dark room...ONE BIG DARK ROOM" - a.f.i.
# 14

Originally posted by iiholly
Besides isn't sex the reason everyone starts to play guitar.
... or lack of sex?
Originally posted by iiholly
Besides isn't sex the reason everyone starts to play guitar.
... or lack of sex?
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 15
I started playing the guitar because I was getting bored with playing the piano (however I kick myself now for quitting the piano). But, that's another post all in its self.
I try to do like you have all said and just write whatever I'm feeling down, but my problem is that I can't get any of my thoughts on paper. they all turn into a jumbled up mess when I think about how I'm going to put them down. I guess I need to try writing down random b.s. and when I get enough stuff down, try to piece things together. Again, thanks for all your help.
I try to do like you have all said and just write whatever I'm feeling down, but my problem is that I can't get any of my thoughts on paper. they all turn into a jumbled up mess when I think about how I'm going to put them down. I guess I need to try writing down random b.s. and when I get enough stuff down, try to piece things together. Again, thanks for all your help.
# 16

I'm realy sexy when I play guitar
me girl says so :P
First time she came over I played some guitar, she fell on the floor right away :)
me girl says so :P
First time she came over I played some guitar, she fell on the floor right away :)
# 17

my girl friend... well, she wasn't really my girl friend at the time- she fell on the floor too when she saw me play the guitar. i think we were jumping along in our underwear ala red hot chili peppers. i guess i was going through a phase...
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 18

well you know hot summers, small rooms, amps burning hot as hell, some volume, tends to get hot.
Might suggest taking some cloths of :)
Might suggest taking some cloths of :)
# 19

good idea. i'll make sure i'll put that on my to do list this comming summer.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 20