Yes!! Jack Kerouac, "On the Road" is excellent! (my 3rd favorite book! Beatnik Bible!) I absolutely love Dean Moriarty (Neal Cassidy in real life, who famously drove the Acid-taking Merry Pranksters, across America, almost always dosed on acid!), and Sal Paradise plays the perfect observer, the perfect story-perspective character. I love Kerouac.
I've read the Oddysey (by homer), which I personally found to be a good book, but should i say this, "not up my alley". It wasn't really challenging my mind in philosophical viewpoint, I basically kept the same vision, same viewpoint of the world, after reading it. I HATE that, and I can tell you that, since I'm a huge fan of Pirates/sea shanties/whaling ships, Moby Dick did alot for me. The fact that people don't know that the the Captain is Ahab, and that the WHALE is Moby Dick (i was surprised when one of my classmates thought that Moby Dick was the insane captain!!!), just tells you that not everyone is meant for reading of the higher intellect!
I have not read Crime & Punishment, yet. I like to go through the books I read 2-3 times, to get the full dramatic detail, every dripping drop of information that i can get (and with Tolstoy, Joyce, Tolkein a little too, and Kerouac, you need to go through each book at least twice to obtain the proper information. I compare this to watching a movie like "Apacolypse Now" (which i just saw, by the way! excellent film!), twice, to fully understand Willard's mental state of mind, and Colonel Kurtz' as well.
Originally posted by Metalic Dude
I wrote for my band already 4 songs with realy nice riffs..
And I havn't read anything like that.. basicly I don't like stuff like Tulkin''s pink and happy and discasting...
I wrighting a book myself DUDE! I wirght songs about my and my girlfriend that was my first real love broke up and I wrote about it...I had a fight with my parents and I wrote about it..I wrote a song about drungs because some of my friends smoke and that's sucks...
I'm wrighting happy songs about nothign u know...
we have a song called "chains" and he's about....nothing..just made up a story and wrought and made's pretty that I'm playing fast enough I can make some solos to my songs! that would be asweme!
Metalic Dude, are you saying that, just because it happened to you, that I know nothing of the sort? Who are you to judge what concepts I do and do not understand, when you can barely type your concepts out without spelling every word wrong? Music is a language, and if your guitar style is as sloppy as your English Language style, wouldn't that tell you something? Perhaps you should take into consideration that I am a songwriter as well, and have written far more songs than four (four is laughable, to tell you the blunt truth. If you are just starting out, that's fine, however). I should be shocked that you'd deny yourself an education like that, but then I came to my senses and realized the fact that American Teens today are too cool for school (I am an American, so before you go on your patriotic rants...) . Everything is transferrable! When I took two years of spanish (in 7th and 8th grade), latin/spanish lead guitar lines became much easier. When I read Moby Dick, Whaling Ballads by MacCall and Lloyd became much more authentic and easier to play! You only experience a very limited amount first-hand, and that is why there are books out there, man! To experience what is not possible, first-hand! You may believe that you are too cool for knowledge, but knowledge definitely isn't too cool for you. I'm sure there is a library in your town.
By the way, not to sound like a downer, but four songs won't fill up a record (unless they are 15 mins a piece,doubt it) and you gain nothing by denying yourself the world of knowledge.
You guys won't believe this next part...About a year ago, during that same argument between ponyone and myself about specialization in music (he was totally right, I was ignorant at the time. Fourteen years old, but still ignorant..), I remember I must have said something dumb, because he shot back with "The world of knowledge is open for you! Go out and learn as much as you can!!", and I actually took that to heart, in both music (knowledge and music are interchangeable in this case) and in reading.
I also believe that generally, those who read voraciously, understand Music Theory, pick up on music theory faster, etc. There is no drawbacks to an education! And further, when I say 'education', i do not mean 'high school' or 'college', i mean "Self-gained knowledge", by visiting your local library, reading as much as you can, it WILL make you a better guitar player.
Now, back to the other subject. Ginsburg is awesome! What a controversial man, what a controversial poem (Howl), I love it! "I have seen the greatest men of my generation destroyed by greed......" etc. Although, I've only seen "Howl" in poem books, and it seems that there must have been revisions, because every version is a little different than the next. Same goes with every foreign book, originally written in another language (yes, a book can be foreign and still written in English, for those who don't know), like the introduction to "War and Peace"..Well Prince, so Genoa and Lucca are now but family estates at the bonapartes!, etc.
I'm happy to hear that I'm not the only one reading great material anymore!
~ Incidents
(The Late Night Self Proclaimed King of Long-Winded Posts :D) :)
[Edited by Incidents Happen on 07-29-2003 at 01:09 AM]