I think you're on to something here, Incidents! And let me say how impressed I am that you've actually read these books. I know graduate-level English majors who've never read Finnigan's Wake, and many who hate Moby Dick and War & Peace because of their length. And to think you're just a teenager! In fact, I have never met ANYONE personally who has read the whole of Finnigan's Wake, besides myself. The greatest songwriters, I am convinced, are voracious readers. Have you read Crime & Punishment? Another great Russian novel. You should also check out the Greek and Roman classics, if you haven't already: The Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeniad, etc. And then there's the Beat generation: Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg . . .
"It's all right son . . . we told you what to dream"