St Anger Verdict?

What do you guys think of the album compared to other metallica albums and other bands albums?
# 1

Last nite my local radio station played the whole CD and it was differint but still had that metallica edge.People are goona love it or hate it!!
"To bang ,or not to bang your head"
# 2

I haven't heard it yet, but is it worth buying. I'm not really a big metallica fan, but master of puppets is their best album I personally think, and justice for all... to.
I have never failed to fail
I have never failed to fail
# 3

well last night on the radio were i live 96.7kcal rocks played the whole album.but i only heard it from like the 5 song,and i got to give it 4 guitars out of five.i was going to mention about the album not having solos on it which is kind of true i dont recall hearing any except for some "NU METAL"type licks. its not really old metallica and its not the load metallica its a new metallca and i think there going to gain alot more fans with the new cd to me its sounds like nu metal stuff but i guess i would buy it
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 4

I only heard a couple of songs but I dont know if they were auctually songs from st. anger because I got it from kazza, except for the St. Anger video I downloaded that.....and Im sure you guys have heard this before from other people but it sucks. It's just a bunch of random riffs that were thrown together. I just dont know why bands that were good change their styles to be more appropriate with todays music. I wish the old 80's bands like metallica would keep their old style. Its like the new video doesnt really show their full capability. Damn I really wish I could go back in time and live in the 80's metal was so much better then.
# 5

Originally posted by TheTrooper
I only heard a couple of songs but I dont know if they were auctually songs from st. anger because I got it from kazza, except for the St. Anger video I downloaded that.....and Im sure you guys have heard this before from other people but it sucks. It's just a bunch of random riffs that were thrown together. I just dont know why bands that were good change their styles to be more appropriate with todays music. I wish the old 80's bands like metallica would keep their old style. Its like the new video doesnt really show their full capability. Damn I really wish I could go back in time and live in the 80's metal was so much better then.
Amen brother.
# 6

Yeah the album is utter crap. Just 75mins of random riffs, mindless power chording, teenage garage band style naff lyrics. Theres no struture or that to any song!!! Utter CRAP!!!
# 7
A couple of weeks ago I downloaded the full album which turned out to be fake , but I just thought that James was just using some new vocals effects... The fake album had some nice solos too!
Now after getting the real one , I have to say that the fake album was BETTER ... St Anger is not any better than an average Nu Metal album , and it doesn't sound new and unique as a Metallica album should be.
The only good thing in the album is that the bass parts sounds better now ... Trujilo got better tone from technique and gear than Newsted.
Now after getting the real one , I have to say that the fake album was BETTER ... St Anger is not any better than an average Nu Metal album , and it doesn't sound new and unique as a Metallica album should be.
The only good thing in the album is that the bass parts sounds better now ... Trujilo got better tone from technique and gear than Newsted.
# 8
I have a fake song that was supposed to be "some kind of monster" , it has great rhythms and a good slow solo with a little shred part that sounded like old Hammet , and the vocals wasn't very different than James' ... The real Metallica song is total crap compared to that fake one !!!
I'm realy looking to know who does these stuff originaly belong too , but I don't know how ?!
I'm realy looking to know who does these stuff originaly belong too , but I don't know how ?!
# 9
I was sitting around with the friends sipping some suds when all of a sudden... really crappy "music" eminated from the radio.Not unusual these days.I remember The vocals sounding generic the guitars slightly muddy but the drums in particular stood out with a "trashcanny garage" quality.There was no grasping the song as it was poorly written.I passed it off as godsmack's latest effort(haha!...effort!)and ranted on with the friends regarding "nu-metal" like we often do.When the song was over I got up to throw in some good ol' Krisiun(black force domain)but as I was about to rid us of corporate product music for the night the "dj" announced that the generic,muddy,trashy,garage quality "music" that soiled our ears was infact.....get ready....Metallica!!!(yeah you wasted your time reading this just to find out what you already knew....look!..your still reading!)I didnt speak a word...I threw in the Krisiun cd and sat down.We drank the rest of the night with "shame" written on our the most for I had an old school metallica shirt on.Just another let down from the disapointment masters themselves.Oh well.
Try once,fail twice...
# 10

Im interested to see how they go about touring! Which songs are they goin to play live? Do you think they know (metallica members) just how bad the album is!! HOW IS THERE NO GUITAR SOLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 11
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Do you think they know (metallica members) just how bad the album is!!
Good Point ... We'll (& they'll) find out, eventually !
# 12

# 13

i am getting tierd of ppl wanting to relive the ****in 80's. **** you dick heads its the ****in past get over it and the comment about there being no solos,i think thats genious **** i am sick of hearing solos the "80's" BURNT THEM OUT they all sound the same after awhile,there all the same notes just played slower or at different rhythms or differnt patern.i think the new album is good they said from the begining it was going to be very different and it is they did exactly what they said and the other thing about the music sounding like metallica it isnt them i remeber about a year ago there was this big hype about a band because the singer sounds exacly the same as james and it was really hardcore metal i forgot the name but ill post it when i remeber it oh yeah if you ppl didnt know already i guess ill inform you again THE 80'S ARE OVER AND DONE WITH SO STOP BITCHING LIKE LIL BABYS. :{
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 14
And you call yourself theeshreder!!!Shame!Its not our fault that you cant appreciate a solo let alone play one!Go play yer "genious" stale double stop riffs.The shining moments of genres such as death,grindcore,black,epic,neo classical,thrash,speed e.c.t were in the 80's.The 80's were the golden age of guitar technique innovation.Take a trip back in time and play your solo-less boring rhythms and watch as everyone thats not musically simple minded laughs at you for being so frigin retarded.Pedal tones comprise 75/80% of ALL metal rhythms.Do you know how pedal tones originated on the guitar?(besides classical)OOooops...I dont understand lead guitar.
Try once,fail twice...
# 15

dont you get it moron what im saying is that just because a song dosent have a solo doesnt mean it sucks there are alot of good songs that dont have solos and dont get me wrong i like the 80's music its just you cant keep living in the ****in past and if you wanna duel you can meet me at guitar so i can cut your piece of **** head off you ignorant bastard then we will see who know how to play and ill let you play in standard tuning and ill use all different tuning just to show you my logic of the fret board
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 16

hahahhaha, what a thread. I take it this new metallica album is quite laughable from what I read here. Stopped following what they did anyway as soon as they became a pop band.
# 17

haha, this is great.
Oh, and theshredder, you are just rambling adding in as many '*'s as you can.
also, this :
'ill use all different tuning just to show you my logic of the fret board'
means absolutely nothing. If you did have a superior knowledge of the fret board, you wouldn't have to use a different tuning, you would have everythinhg you needed at your disposal...well for 'shredd'ing anyway.
Oh, and theshredder, you are just rambling adding in as many '*'s as you can.
also, this :
'ill use all different tuning just to show you my logic of the fret board'
means absolutely nothing. If you did have a superior knowledge of the fret board, you wouldn't have to use a different tuning, you would have everythinhg you needed at your disposal...well for 'shredd'ing anyway.
# 18
I know what theeshredder means about the whole "It has no solo so it sucks" thing.I just feel an over the top solo can only enhance a song.Solo's can make a bland song listenable.I probably wouldnt listen to Judas Priest's "painkiller" if it wasnt for that great solo.I would also like to point out that you can take any lead phrase and play it at any position on the 6th string and presto!Youve got a "riff".Rhythms are(a vast majority anyway)in essence lead licks and phrases played at lower pitch.The reason why metallica and so many other "nu-ish" corporate product bands dont write(like they actually write anything)complicated rhythms and solo's is to appeal to a much wider audience.Not everyone plays guitar or has a musical ear to appreciate complex music."Musically simple minded" people look for looks/popularity/a crowd/the band members themselves and lyrics to relate to.Its no coincidence that many "musically dumb" people are incredibly shallow as well.
Well im done...later!
I was the only one in my highschool that could play the solo to "fade to black"...but I never had that girl/ego/penis problem
lol.. just kidding(or am I???)
I know what theeshredder means about the whole "It has no solo so it sucks" thing.I just feel an over the top solo can only enhance a song.Solo's can make a bland song listenable.I probably wouldnt listen to Judas Priest's "painkiller" if it wasnt for that great solo.I would also like to point out that you can take any lead phrase and play it at any position on the 6th string and presto!Youve got a "riff".Rhythms are(a vast majority anyway)in essence lead licks and phrases played at lower pitch.The reason why metallica and so many other "nu-ish" corporate product bands dont write(like they actually write anything)complicated rhythms and solo's is to appeal to a much wider audience.Not everyone plays guitar or has a musical ear to appreciate complex music."Musically simple minded" people look for looks/popularity/a crowd/the band members themselves and lyrics to relate to.Its no coincidence that many "musically dumb" people are incredibly shallow as well.
Well im done...later!
I was the only one in my highschool that could play the solo to "fade to black"...but I never had that girl/ego/penis problem
lol.. just kidding(or am I???)
Try once,fail twice...
# 19

first of all i aint in high school i dont know were you got that idea.the thing about wanting everyone to idolize me who said that dumb ****,and solo of fade to black personaly i think it sucks so why would i want to learn it.the comment about me have no ear how do u know that you dont even know me and your trying to judge my playing your so stupid thats just like a blind man judging how you look and i never said solos suck i said THERE GETTING TO A POINT WERE THEY ALL SOUND THE SAME everyone and the grandma is trying to be the next jimi but guess what they will never be.they buy books on his style or whoever they like and they play practicly the same **** people these days dont know how to improvise they just try to sound like there heros go out and buy the equipment there heros use anyway you just took my post the wrong way i guess and as for guitar playing it seems like you know a lil and thats good casue alot of ppl dont know the basics
"to shred or not to shred that is thee question"
# 20