Hi. My name is Kurt. I have learned in the past (about 15 years ago) and got to an intermediate level, but have decided to get back in the game and learn blues the way I've always wanted to. Very excited to learn this style and more.
I am starting from the beginning foundations again to remind myself of all the basic techniques and to get my muscle memory back.
So far I just have one question regarding the site... on the home page it has one link to 'Beginner Lessons' and another to 'Experienced Lessons'.
Is it correct that both use the same exact core learning system, but then branch off in different directions from there (beginner going to 'songs made easy', 'practice for beginners', and 'tuning and guitar maintence' vs experienced going to style, techniques, artist studies, etc.?). Is there any difference in the core learning systems between these two paths?