Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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10/28/2002 4:45 pm
Well I just recived a free catolog from Musicans Institute (Los Angeles, Hollywood) and there was lot of good facts.

But I find the program to expensive. To complete journyman course (GIT) you must go 1 year and you must pay 13.100$ for pure education. Than you probably must pay as much for food and housing. However tha education seems to be amazing and lot of areas are coverd from shred to blues via classic and jazz. Amazing program but too expensive for me at least.

But if you can aford it than there would be no problem at all to atennd the shool because you don´t even have to be an amazing guitarplayer to start there. You just need to know how to play some scales and that´s all. Two are enough actually.

But like I said, it´s an amazing school but too expensive. What do you guys think of it and do you know somthing else that I don´t.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 1
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10/28/2002 6:16 pm
i'm getting ready to go to college, i wish i could pay only 13 grand a year
To improve technique and of course trying to keep all as clean as possible. I know my own limits and speed limits and so on I never play anything I'm not capable of. That wouldn't make any sense. After three years of playing I tried to play everything as fast as possible and that sounded, I would say, like shit, and I didn't realize that if I'd play bit slower things than I was capable of playing then everything would sound much better.

--Aleksi Laiho - Advice to Play By
# 2
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10/28/2002 7:17 pm
It is well worth the time! Also have you sent in your 3 song demo yet? They also have many different types of payment plans including scholarships, and grants. I'm not sure of the specifics as my father payed for it. The cost of living in L.A. is not too bad when compared to Northern Ca. wich is insane.
I started learning guitar because of Randy Rhoads..but Yngwie J. Malmsteen is my biggest influence.
# 3
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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10/28/2002 7:40 pm
Well I live in Sweden and taxes here are the largest in the world (I´m not foolin´ around ´cause thats sad but true) around 33% of your orginal income gets stolen by the gouverment and for a normal dead end job a la industry and sh*it you get around 1000$ for a month of work. What´s the normal pay in US when working in factories and restorants? I would rally like to know. Maby to move to US. work a while and than try to atend the school ´cause earning money here and spending them in US. seems like insane salution to me.

Also how easy is it to settle in US. nowdays and how easy is it to find a job?
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 4
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10/28/2002 9:23 pm
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
Also how easy is it to settle in US. nowdays and how easy is it to find a job?

Getting into the US is very difficult, unless you go on a student visa. But if you go that route, you can't get a job the first year. After that you'll need to request permission from the INS.
So, I think for foreigners it is nearly impossible to go there to study whithout getting financial aid from someone else.

# 5
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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10/28/2002 10:37 pm
Why is it so hard to settle in USA. Is it ´cause of all this teror crap our are there more factors.

Man it´s smooth in Europe. We can go and live in any EU country we want whitout any permition for the state our anything. You just get on airplane and go wherever you want. That´s freedom man. It´s sad that EU and US don´t have same relation in imigrant politic stuff but maby it´ll chage.

But afterall who am I to talk about politics. I don´t know a sh*it about that except how I would like the things to be.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 6
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10/29/2002 12:06 am
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
Why is it so hard to settle in USA. Is it ´cause of all this teror crap our are there more factors.

Man it´s smooth in Europe. We can go and live in any EU country we want whitout any permition for the state our anything. You just get on airplane and go wherever you want. That´s freedom man. It´s sad that EU and US don´t have same relation in imigrant politic stuff but maby it´ll chage.

Simply too many people want to immigrate to the US, that's why they have a very strong selection. Since the events of 9/11 they have just become more strict in making sure the rules are followed, and some rules have changed. And believe it or not, Europeans have it easy when it comes to this stuff. In some countries, people aren't even be able to obtain a simple visitors visa for the US. Where as Europeans don't even need a visitors visa.(for visits less than 90 days)
Yeah, we can go and live anywhere in the EU, but I think you can kind of compare that to moving from one state to another within the US. So we have freedom, but only as long as we stay within the EU. Once you want to enter another political/economical alliance, you'll just have to meet their requirements.
# 7

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10/29/2002 12:11 am

I'm from Quebec, Canada. Provincial government takes about 22% of our money while federal governement takes about 15-18 %. That's without talking about sales taxes that goes around 15% on every thing you buy.

College cost is a joke when you study in your home city (probably around 200-300$/year). University is around 200$/course, so around 2000$/year.


You can get scolarships, but almost everybody is intitled to governement education loans.

We are really taxed but education is quite affordable.

I whish we had a school like GIT here. Althought right now I got a good job, don't think I would live it behind.

# 8
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10/29/2002 1:10 am
Dude, Id hang fire for a year or two until things calm down a bit. Im dealing with the INS at the moment and they are just not funny ! Im here on a J1 scholar’s Visa, I have a PhD, I am hear at the request of the US, I have married a US citizen, I am totally above board and they still want me to jump through about a dozen burning hoops and charge me the thick end of 2k for the privilege. Don’t think Im America bashing ‘cos Im not but I would wait for the present government to change!!
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# 9
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10/30/2002 11:37 am
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
Well I live in Sweden and taxes here are the largest in the world (I´m not foolin´ around ´cause thats sad but true) around 33% of your orginal income gets stolen by the gouverment and for a normal dead end job a la industry and sh*it you get around 1000$ for a month of work. What´s the normal pay in US when working in factories and restorants? I would rally like to know. Maby to move to US. work a while and than try to atend the school ´cause earning money here and spending them in US. seems like insane salution to me.

Also how easy is it to settle in US. nowdays and how easy is it to find a job?

A lot of peeps dream that mystical dream to go to the US, but once there it is not so mystical anymore. Dont forget that for the taxes you pay you get alot of social, educational and infrastructural services that you wont get in the US. Of course taxes are generally to high and the gouvernment is not always using all the taxes the way they SHOULD be used, but its better than nothing.

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]

# 10
Dejan Sajinovic
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10/31/2002 11:03 pm
Do you think that IA is a teacher who gives lessons. I know he did it with Johan Randen but I don´t know if he have more students.

When it comes to music, I think Sweden have some amazing (probably best) producers in the world. It´s pitty that they not into rock/hardrock/metal style of music despite that they all were hardrockers when they were younger. Most of these famous boybands plus Britney and those silly girls have a conection with Swedish producents.

So if I would like to become a producent one day, this country is right for me but I don´t know how it works with guitar music. I mean there are some nice names like Malmsteen, Eklund, Norum, Schäffer (spelling) but it´s sad ´cause they don´t have a school wich is guitar oriented like GIT. Learning theory and stuff like that is no problem but that´s like ordinary school, difficult and boring.

My plan however is to get a job, work 2-3 years, earn some money and than maby give GIT a chanche. It´s still a dream you know.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 11

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11/01/2002 1:08 pm

A dream is only a project without a date.

Make yourself a timeline, plan your dreams and you'll get them.

I always do timelines and most of my dream have come true. Now that I work, it's even better since I can really plan with my income and when I'll be able to afford certain things.

Personnaly I am now recording my own album. It's nothing professionnal since I do it with gear I bought but everything was planned from day 1.

Set yourself a probable date and go for it man. It's your dream, make it a project. After a year, sit down and reevaluate your situation and move forward again.

You'll probably have to do some amazing sacrafice 13000$ is quite a lot to earn but I think it's worth it if that's your goal.

anyway that's my 2 cents for what it's worth. Works for me.
# 12
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11/01/2002 1:13 pm
big AMEN ben!

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]

# 13
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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11/01/2002 5:30 pm
That´s true man. But it´s damn hard to set deadlines ´cause you never know what will happend. But I was thinking, when I turn 24-25, I´ll probably be abel to afford.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 14
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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11/01/2002 5:31 pm
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 15

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