"Hypnosis, meditation, and God."

Joined: 07/11/00
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Joined: 07/11/00
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04/08/2002 3:56 pm
Hi guys, as musicians, we're also humanbeings, (although we forget sometimes) and everything is connected at one way or another. So being that this is a free discussion board, I've let my curiosity get the best of me.

A lot of people choose not to believe in hypnosis, meditation, or even God for that matter. For some, they feel it's merely a hoax that people fall for. Yet, why do many others think differently? Does that make them crazy, being that they choose to search beyond the realms of what's right in front of their noses. Well, yes and no!

I guess it all depends on how you look at it, and if these people choose to believe for all of the right reasons. So what are the right reasons? And do they actually exist? This is something that we will deal with, and simply question for the rest of our lives. And for those of us who refuse to search beyond what's obvious, and what seems real, well chances are that you have let some of the greatest opportunities already slip through your fingers.

It seems like most people are not aware that hypnosis does have the National Institute of Health's approval as an alternative health care. However, more to the point, we believe in dogmas; we experience truths. To suggest I "believe" in hypnosis as we sometimes put it, would be to elevate it to a kind of faith. Just like when it comes to prayer, and meditation, a lot of people search for healing benefits of hypnosis. For a lot of people it falls into the category of one of the healing arts. However, perhaps it's just a way to escape all of the pain that they continuously refuse to deal with. Well, to be honest, I don't know, nor do I feel the need to change or challenge your belief systems.

However, with hypnosis, I can't say I truly understand it's effects, because I've never been put under the spell. However, that doesn't mean that I certainly refuse to understand, but for anyone who's not familiar with such an art, it's sure going to be difficult. So, the question is, do you believe?

Spending time with an eccentric neighbor, like I have, you're bound to come up with many crazy ideas as to what life is all about, or where you feel you just might stand in the next year or so. We question if we'll be pulling our hair out, or if we'll even have any hair to pull out, heh. It's crazy world, no doubt. But tell me, do you believe in the healing benefits of hypnosis? Do you believe it can cure insomnia, and help us find our way to a high level of spirituality?

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 1
chris mood
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chris mood
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04/09/2002 2:37 am
People who believe in reincarnation often go under hypnosis to find out about past lives.
I've read some amazing things about people talking about names and dates of people who lived who they could have never of known about, but when researched the person the subject was talking about actually existed.
# 2

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04/09/2002 1:43 pm
interesting guitar-related question :)
# 3
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Joined: 07/11/00
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04/09/2002 2:05 pm
Originally posted by James
interesting guitar-related question :)
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 4
Joined: 12/31/01
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Joined: 12/31/01
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04/09/2002 3:47 pm
Originally posted by chris mood
People who believe in reincarnation often go under hypnosis to find out about past lives.
I've read some amazing things about people talking about names and dates of people who lived who they could have never of known about, but when researched the person the subject was talking about actually existed.

I've seen some things like that too (on television ofcourse :) A people who live somewhere in the balkan or so. They believed every newborn in their village(well, not every, but alot) was a 'reincarnation' of some one in their country. So they interviewed this little boy of age 6, maybe 7 who said he was the reincarnation of a famous local footballplayer. See where I'm going to ? The family of the little boy was very poor (speaks almost for itself) and the famous footbalplayer was like maybe the richest local guy and unfortunately killed by a lost bullet. The family of the died footballplayer thinks that he is really inside this little boy so they gave them money, a nice home, etc. etc. All the information the boy gave (they did a little examination) was superficiel and almost impossible to check if it was really true.

See where this 'reincarnation' thing is going to ? It's just (according to me) a fairytale, but since everybody does it in that town it's 'common' that a boy or girl from a poor family is a reincarnation of a rich person. It's just their ticket out of the stinking hellhole they're in.

How to explain that the people told the truth when they were under hypnosis ? Well, if you are learned from the beginning of your life you're the reincarnation of a particular person that died you will accept is as the truth. Under hypnosis they only say what is taught to them and thought of to be true (to them). They only say (in the most cases) some superficiel information that is easy to look up (like name of your mother/father, place of living, etc.) Well, that's my theory :) You might think different, but in the meanwhile I had my pleasure :)

(I know, completely off-topic, just wanted to comment on that :) )
# 5
Big as Elvis, Baby
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Big as Elvis, Baby
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04/11/2002 5:05 am
Much of what has already been posted, I have seen and experienced, I have been hypnotized, I've seen mass hypnosis, and have seen a person supposedley "regressed" to an earlier life. Is hypnosis real? my experience says yes, could it help with insommnia?, I don't know why not, but then again it might not work at all, it all depends on how good a subject the paient is. I believe hypnosis and advertising work on the same principle, the power of suggestion, so, I think that explains alot of the phenomena that comes out of some people's hypnosis experience, and I'll just go on to say that if you are operating under the influence or suggestion of another entity, human or otherwise, are you going to have a truthful, honest experience of any kind? Seems like that would be dependent on the intent of the influencer. If God is real, and I do believe in God, why would we need to be under another's influence or in an artifical state of mind by any device, to find or be closer to God?
# 6

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