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Much of what has already been posted, I have seen and experienced, I have been hypnotized, I've seen mass hypnosis, and have seen a person supposedley "regressed" to an earlier life. Is hypnosis real? my experience says yes, could it help with insommnia?, I don't know why not, but then again it might not work at all, it all depends on how good a subject the paient is. I believe hypnosis and advertising work on the same principle, the power of suggestion, so, I think that explains alot of the phenomena that comes out of some people's hypnosis experience, and I'll just go on to say that if you are operating under the influence or suggestion of another entity, human or otherwise, are you going to have a truthful, honest experience of any kind? Seems like that would be dependent on the intent of the influencer. If God is real, and I do believe in God, why would we need to be under another's influence or in an artifical state of mind by any device, to find or be closer to God?