How good am I / How good you are compare to me

Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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04/08/2002 10:02 am
OK, here´s the deal. I´ll tell ya what I can play and u tell me what u can play. Also, I tell ya how fast I can play some stuff along with metronome and u tell me (if you ever tried). And last, do you think that I our you will be guitar a guitar hero somtime.

I´ve started playng when I was 15 and now I´m 19 and a half. Stuf like Metallica, Maiden, Guns, Kiss i easy for me but stuff like Malmsteen, Vai, Satriani and Dream Theater is a bit harder. Here you got a few songs that I can play (incl solos of course) by the hard guys.

By Malmsteen I can play songs like Far Beyond The Sun, Rising Force, Cryng, Deja Vu, Fire, Evil Eye Magic Mirror..., by Satch Always With Me, Always With You, Surfing With Alien, Chrusing Day..., by Dream Theater Ytse Jam, Take The Time, Metropolis, Under A Glass Moon, Lie, Voices, Erotomania, Home, Fatal Tragedy...
(PS, I never learn a guitar solo 100% but you can easily hear wich solo it is, maby 80%)

When it comes to technique, I can play Flight Of A Bumblebee at aprox 210 bpm (four tones per beat), 16-note triplet runs at aprox 130-150 bpm (6 tones per beat) Chromatic scale 250 bpm (four tones per beat) and so on. I can sweep over whole strings pretty good, tap with all four fingers, skip strings but I CAN´T play with my tooths YET and I´m not any good on chords. (But who cares ´bout ´em ´cause barre chords are the best with riff combination)

Rate me from 1-10 (think that I´ve been playn´ for only four and a half year) and rate you self compare to me.

Thanks and see ya i G3 along with Sach, Vai and Petrucci.

PS (I know that my english sucks but you´ll understand)

[Edited by Dejan Sajinovic on 04-16-2002 at 03:05 AM]
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 1
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04/08/2002 11:02 am
well m8 you sound like you are pretty good but i always got told off some one its not for you to say you are good if for someone else to tell you .you are good you can play all these songs and tune but what do they sound like you might think it sounds good but does it?
# 2
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04/08/2002 12:35 pm
I am not as good as you. I know this, despite not ever having heard you play, and even though you choose to focus on completely different aspects of playing. I started at the same age, and I am the same age as you, huh, so I could be a good comparison. I can play the three major inversions of Major, Major 7, dom 7, and 6 chords, as well as in minor. I can't play lead very well, but who cares about that right? Hang on, you do, but you don't care about chords. So how can we rate each other? Maybe we can't. And what good does it do? Does your ego need me to say how good you are? If it doesn't, then the rating process is a little useless. If it does, well, I'm not the guy you're looking for.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 3
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04/08/2002 3:40 pm
It sounds like you are very good.. I would love to hear some of that chromatic at 250 tempo.. :P Could you post some (especially the Fatal Tragedy's solo)?
I think that it is more important to play cleanly than to play fast.

However, I admire you if you have some backup for all the things you have said..

"If practise makes perfect, and no one is perfect, why practise? Duh.."
# 4
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04/08/2002 4:04 pm
Anybody can learn to play other peoples songs. It sounds like you could be in a very good cover band. Have you ever written anything yourself. I think what you can do yourself is a true measure of "How good you are". So I give you a 7 the other three points pending good origional stuff. The list of what you can play is pretty impressive however.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 5
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04/08/2002 5:01 pm
Man, why should we rate you ? And why should you be the judge to decide who is good and who isn't ? I mean, you don't have to impress anyone. I have the feeling you are only playing the guitar for anyone but yourself (but, I could be wrong too). What will it lead to if I would give you a 9 or a 2 ? Will it change your life ? I think you are only looking for compliments, you need a little bit of selfconfidence. I don't blame you, I need that too sometimes so does everybody else.
I'll show you what I mean
Rate me from 1-10 [u](think that I´ve been playn´ for only four and a half year)[/u] and rate you self compare to me.

You are even suggesting your rating. See ? How can one give an object rating when you say something like that ? I think it's pretty distrubing. Tho', it's very human. This post leads to nowhere dude, with all due respect. If you wan't people to like what you play, get in a band and play your own stuff. I'm sure you are capable to do it (as I see your little resumé) you just need, like I said, a little bit more selfconfidence ! I appreciate it way more when some complete newbie post a trick he's proud off he found himself (although it's not really impressive to advanced guitarplayers). You don't need to show off against other people and certainly not against us. We all accept the way you are (yeah, I know, hippiebull****, but it's true !). My suggestion is to lose the lack of selfconfidence (sounds ridicilous, certainly when you read your list, but I think it will really make some difference) ! It will help you much more than a rating !

I'm not mad at you, not at all :) I just told you my humble opinion. oh and by the way, I really would like to hear some things you've played, because the list do seems impressive.

Latz, Gulder

# 6
Steve Lindsay
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04/08/2002 7:23 pm
Question - How many guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?

Answer - 5 - 1 to change it and 4 to watch and say "I can do it better". I ask you my friend are you one of the 4?
# 7

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04/08/2002 7:57 pm
# 8
Steve Lindsay
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04/13/2002 11:51 am
post here if you wanna flex your guitar muscles
# 9
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04/13/2002 10:25 pm
I can play faster, better, more accurately than anyone else in the world...
Well, let's make it for all the guitarists I have met...
Errrrrr, except for a few of them... well, maybe on my block... So I rate myself 11 ("why not make the 10 a little louder? well, those go to eleven...")

I have just been rated second fastest guitarist in the world (ex aequo with paul gilbert) in another thread on this site (I guess it was the 'who is the fastest...') and I can play the bumblebee at 280 bpm... I have been recorded at 24 notes per second (just go check out some videos on my site)
And you know what? I'd rather be voted the 'funniest' one because that's what I try to bring through my music, joy... Speed is just a tool, it would be like saying 'I can solo in A and E, so I'm better than you...'

# 10
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04/14/2002 1:48 am
My song is called faded its on this site in rock tricks take a listen and see "how good I am"
Guitar Tricks Moderator

"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 11
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04/14/2002 2:20 am
"Don't touch it"
"I wasn't, I was just pointing at it"
"Well don't point"
"Can I look at it"
"No. Don't look at it.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 12
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04/14/2002 8:07 am
Dude, that movie is so funny!!! (for those who didn't know what Bardsley and I are quoting , it's "this is spinal tap")

Do you remember the solo where he starts juggling?? It reminds me of people talking about a guitarist who could solo and yo yo... What's the point?
# 13
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04/16/2002 3:41 am
Interesting thread. Lots of talk about speed. I have a question: What about the actual MUSIC? I mean, whether you play metal, classical, blues, jazz, pop, or whatever, you need to make the thing SING. I mean, I can play a song like SRV's "Scuttle Buttin'" (In E flat--or any key you want for that matter), but unless I do something to make it soulful, I feel like I'm just doing something automatic; it's more of a gymnastic feat than an expression of music. Let's face it, there's plenty of cats out there who can play as fast as Jeff Gordon drives, but the albums we keep buying are the ones with actual music on them. That's why SRV was such an important guitarist: above all else, he played with feeling, soul, and passion--he played the truth! Frankly, our endeavor is not a competition. Besides, I guarantee that as fast as you can play, there will always be someone out there who will be able to outplay you. Just go to enough sessions!
There's only two kinds of music: good and bad.
--Duke Ellington
# 14
Dejan Sajinovic
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Dejan Sajinovic
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04/27/2002 1:08 pm
Hahaha, is it really 280 bpm on bumblebee and is it really faster than Petruccis? I don´t think so man and besides it sounded a bit strange but still good. I´m mean you don´t play 100% like it is but your verision is afterall definitly amazing but not quit as Petruccis.

I don´t think it was 280 bpm (more like 200) and to tap bumblebee is nothin´ but cheating but you´re good kid, really good, but as long as I´m around, you´ll always be second best (Jim Carrey-The Mask).

Just kiddin´ and by the way could you tell me little abou Paul Gilbert. It´s seems impossible to get his CD our videos. Can you post me some good stuff of his.

Also, for how long have you´ve been playn´ guitar? I still think that I´m a talent.
Dejan S. No speed limit
# 15
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04/27/2002 5:56 pm
Hi, I am new to the guitar tricks forum and this is my first post. I think the question that guy has to ask him self is how much of them advanced techniques does he want to practice before he plays his own stuff in a band. You dont have to be like Yangwie or gilbert to start a band, but u can always aim for that, or else u would have nothing left to try. I am similar to u though, I am 20 and started at 16, I can not do sweeped appegios very well yet and am struggling at fast alternate picking but I masterd string skip tapping(by just doing loads of practice slowly speeding up on metronome. Mabey u can give me some tips and the appegios or anyone who reads this, they just sound to blury and distorted and not fast enough any thoughts?
# 16
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04/28/2002 6:50 pm
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
Hahaha, is it really 280 bpm on bumblebee and is it really faster than Petruccis? I don´t think so man and besides it sounded a bit strange but still good. I´m mean you don´t play 100% like it is but your verision is afterall definitly amazing but not quit as Petruccis.

I don´t think it was 280 bpm (more like 200) and to tap bumblebee is nothin´ but cheating but you´re good kid, really good, but as long as I´m around, you´ll always be second best (Jim Carrey-The Mask).

Just kiddin´ and by the way could you tell me little abou Paul Gilbert. It´s seems impossible to get his CD our videos. Can you post me some good stuff of his.

Also, for how long have you´ve been playn´ guitar? I still think that I´m a talent.

Did you see the other video? There's another one where I don't tap it...
Paul gilbert has been in the group Mr big, maybe it's easier to get their CDs.
I've been playing for 10 years, and I've been teaching music for 3 years now...
# 17
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04/28/2002 8:31 pm
Originally posted by Dejan Sajinovic
Also, for how long have you´ve been playn´ guitar? [u]I still think that I´m a talent.[/u]

You don't recognize talent yourself. You are being discovered as 'talent'. Now, people who released a cd on the shrapnel label are known to be more than an average guitarplayer. Did you release one ? ... People who teach are supposed to know/be able pretty everything there is to know/do about/with a guitar. Do you teach ?
Lalimacefolle has proved that he is a pretty good guitarist. Have you ?

'nuff said.

(and like all wise guitarist say, replace the word 'talent' with: 'total training hours')

Latz, Gul

[Edited by Gulder on 04-29-2002 at 05:49 PM]
# 18
Incidents Happen
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Incidents Happen
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05/01/2002 2:14 am
whoever started this post. your not asking us to say "your alright" or "your not that great" you expect us to say "your the best guitar player ever" well thats not what this place is about. this is not flaming either, this is just pointing out that this is very rude to other guitar players. so what? you can play OTHER guitar players licks. big ****ing deal! i can make my own solos up and IMPROV MY OWN STUFF, thats where its at, not copying Yngwie solos note for note. you think your a talent?

[Edited by lalimacefolle on 05-01-2002 at 03:49 AM]
# 19
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05/01/2002 3:30 am
Heh, just found this thread again. The big wuestion is whether you can play a violin and an SG at the same time during a solo. The funniest thing about that is where he is playing the viloin so loud it is just noise and feedback, and you see him put his ear to the body and adjust the tuning.
By the way Crazy4blues, I like the signature, but you missed the whole quote: "There are two kinds of music; good and bad - and I like both kinds". It's the last bit that I love. Ellington was such a genius.
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".
# 20

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