When it is to finding a band, the first reality is guitar players are a dime a dozen. That said, they also lead the band. If you are going to do that, you better know what you are doing. If your not there, every band is looking for a bass player. That's a good way to build band xp.
Now that we are through that phase, you want a good band, get a good singer and a good drummer. That's what people listen to. Great example, Green Day, Billy Joe couldn't play a solo to save his life. He was a good singer, had a good bass player, great drummer. Now they are in the Hall of fame. Could say the same for nirvana, and a thousand other bands.
So first off, beyond all else, find a good singer. Then find a good drummer (and by that , the best drummer I ever worked with was 60 years old, didn't have a bunch of solo riffs, he was a solid metronome.), of course that won't happen if you aren't pro. A good drummer can always find a band. If you got chemistry with a good singer, they will be interested, then its all on you.
One more note, get a great singer, yeah but, really, get yourself a great performer. Ozzy didn't stand a chance against Dio as a singer, Alice Cooper? David lee Roth? Kid Rock? Bob Dylan? Forget singing, its all about being shifty, being powerful, being larger than life. If you can't get that, yeah a great singer will work. That said, don't fire the performer for the singer. Easy mistake to make. Of course your going to go with the better singer, and 9-10 times you'll be right. Its the exception that makes the rule.