i want to ask you. Im making a record with my band with great ambitions with it. Im not a bad guitarist at all! Iv become very good. I just don't know how i will tackle the task of making memorable solo's for the songs we are doing (we play hard rock and hard rock ballads, and it's aspecially the slow ballad solos im worried about)...Im a big fan of Slash and really think that he makes some of the most memorable solos on the songs (and his playing really is not that complicated). How shall i approach this?
Shall i just jam the chords i want to solo over again and again with my band?
Or shall i first make a solo when i go in the studio by improvisation? (iv done this before)
Or shall i target the chord tones everytime a chord comes up or something?
we are in the process of making the songs for the album now, so it's a long process but would love some advices
And advice would be very helpful thanks