pstring, I admire Steely Dan's gtr work "Do It Again" - excellent, those cats really WORK their pickups..
I should splash out some money on some SD cds - i get into classier guitar stuff more as i get older.
And Leslie West is a top guy, when we were teenagers my mate was a huge (not as big as Leslie!) fan of Mountain - almost every time i went there i heard "Nantucket Sleighride" and almost got sick of it :) , if he'd got more taste i may have got to hear more of their songs - but then he was "mainly" a Ritchie Blackmore fan.
I was into Zeppelin, so i let a lot of OTHER great stuff kind of slide by my ears in my ignorance.
they used "Nantucket Sleighride" as a theme song for a 60 minutes/news type programme in the uk, it was on every sunday morning.
Yeaah P90s rock, I almost bought an LP Junior and played it back to back with my "The Paul" for over an hour before i decided, the JP influence won out overall - possibly the P100s aint as tasty sounding as the 90s (when i get some more money!).
Thanks for the tips and memories. :) Cheers.
Ps , I'm "kinda" in the middle of winding a p90 type - but the money is goin on amp type stuff so that project is suffed at the mo'
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..