Later Torby
Rock n' Roll happenings!!

C'mon, wot rock n roll things have you guys done, wether musicians or not!! Any crazy things you've done whilst under the influence!! no graphic details required, just the general jist of wot went on. I'll tell you my stuff depending on what you guys admit to!!!
Later Torby
Later Torby
# 1

# 2

hmm i got drunk few times..
once when i was drunk i found myself pissing park garden, while an old lady whom i didnt notice watching me from behind
i didnt even notice her until i finished and then one of my friends told me "hey didnt you see that woman in the park??"
and i was like "huh?"
actualy this is a sad story, i think anyone can learn from it why not to drink
once when i was drunk i found myself pissing park garden, while an old lady whom i didnt notice watching me from behind
i didnt even notice her until i finished and then one of my friends told me "hey didnt you see that woman in the park??"
and i was like "huh?"
actualy this is a sad story, i think anyone can learn from it why not to drink
"They think im crazy..
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
but i know better.
It is not I who am crazy.
It is I who am mad.."
ren hoek
# 3

Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Any crazy things you've done whilst under the influence!!
Later Torby
I teach little kids...:eek:
I guess anyone would ask themselves if they're under the influence when surrounding by various age groups all morning, however I pride myself for having a tremendous amount of patience, strength and confidence. It's safe to sa that I don't just teach these kids the art of songwriting, but I teach them to think for themselves. It's a wonderful experience, once you have a grip on things. But to get to that point, it takes a lot of effort.
As for being seriously inebriated, nope can't say that I ever went on with a show when under the influence of alcohol. I guess because I really trake pride in my performance, but then again, it all depends on if you can hold your booze. But believe me, on more than one occasion, I experienced the embarrassment when other mnembers of the band came in ****faced (you know drunk.) I guess you can afford to make an ass out of yourself when it's a solo project, but when working as a team, it's just not a good idea.
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 4
I myself try to stay sober when playing. There's been a couple of times when I had a little too much (and once when I was attempting to work a Line 6 control board while playing/ singing SRV's Mary Had a Little Lamb... ugly, ugly).
Probably the worst thing I've ever done while drunk was pass out next to a kerosine heater... woke up with "sun burn" on my legs and shorter hair... smelled like a perm for about a week.
But hey, it's just about grown back now.
Really though, I've heard of some pretty insane stuff other people have done. Saw my brother take a leak on Main St. in Tunbridge, VT one fine afternoon... as all kinds of people drove by on their way home from work. He can't remember a damn thing about it though.
Probably the worst thing I've ever done while drunk was pass out next to a kerosine heater... woke up with "sun burn" on my legs and shorter hair... smelled like a perm for about a week.
But hey, it's just about grown back now.
Really though, I've heard of some pretty insane stuff other people have done. Saw my brother take a leak on Main St. in Tunbridge, VT one fine afternoon... as all kinds of people drove by on their way home from work. He can't remember a damn thing about it though.
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Careful what you wish for friend
I've been to Hell and now I'm back again - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 5

# 6
There's a street in the Chinatown part of San Francisco that is so steep that it has stairs on both sides of the road. At the top of the hill, the street is blocked off with a concrete barrier to keep cars from entering from the cross-street.
D'ya know, if you sit on that barrier, facing downhill with your fly open and your dork hangin'out, your piss will run all the way down the hill, and the cops in the car that stop to look at you from the cross-street, will think you're just sittin' there? :eek:
D'ya know, if you sit on that barrier, facing downhill with your fly open and your dork hangin'out, your piss will run all the way down the hill, and the cops in the car that stop to look at you from the cross-street, will think you're just sittin' there? :eek:
# 7

numerous occasions of riding various japanese motorcycles under various intoxicants (don't get me started..),ripping a car park barrier off,punching metal signs,riding bicycles on the pavement stoned,pissing on things,putting mopeds on bonfires,waking up in your bedroom -with all your clothes in the kitchen-, waking up saying "who the hell are you and where the hell am I" and other equally moronic and juvenille things count?? If so then I was a rock'n'roll teenager [all i can remember from 1983 was ZZ Top videos,HIC!], I may have been worse in my twenties :)
Do NOT try this at home kids
In the 80's my middle name was LUCKY
, and always try to remember that a twin cylinder motorcyle should have both spark plugs screwed into the head.. not just one..even when you are sober, oh and always remember to put the nut on the front wheel spindle. :D
Do NOT try this at home kids
In the 80's my middle name was LUCKY
, and always try to remember that a twin cylinder motorcyle should have both spark plugs screwed into the head.. not just one..even when you are sober, oh and always remember to put the nut on the front wheel spindle. :D
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..
# 8

Oh jeez wot have i started.
What have I done... snogged a 50 year old woman in the town centre after a night out... i was 18. Em.. last girlfriend made me wear a dog collar and lead when we went out, it was cool at the time.. but now when i think about it, i musta looked like a right gimp!
Am 19 now, so thats all stopped!!
Later Torby
What have I done... snogged a 50 year old woman in the town centre after a night out... i was 18. Em.. last girlfriend made me wear a dog collar and lead when we went out, it was cool at the time.. but now when i think about it, i musta looked like a right gimp!
Am 19 now, so thats all stopped!!
Later Torby
# 9

After I drank half gallon wiskey, smoke weed, drop A,
an make it with less than clean girls Every weekend.
Man! Thats crazy.:p
an make it with less than clean girls Every weekend.
Man! Thats crazy.:p
Rock-n-Roll 4 Ever
:cool: Jack 7
:cool: Jack 7
# 10

what have i done? ... nothing intresting... nothing at all... however, i've seen little kids (we're talking 9 to 12 years old), playing in broken lift in poland... Where the lift would work normally, so you'd get in, pick your floor, and it woudl start moving... and after it moved about 2 feet, the person inside would press the emergency stop.. and open the door... I'm not afraid of hieghts, I love em, but the site of an elevator well going from the 12 storey (this is where the kids were playing) to the basement made me sick.. I saw this with my own eyes, a little 9 year old kid, climbining into an elevator with it half way up.. so you could see all the way down the well, and the little munter nearly fell.. but he got in... and they did this a few times.. i'm surprised no one died..
What else.... oh yeah.. MY DADS DRIVING!!!! SWEET GOD!!.. I used to live in Wick, which is really about as far north into scotland as you could go.. and it was mountanous.. and it was remote... and the nearest city was inverness... and on the road between wick and inverness, there is notorious turn, where on one side you've got a 3 foot stone wall, on the other side of the wall there is about 300 foot drop (no exageration)... and it's pretty scarry, and poeple normally take that turn at 20 to 25 miles an hour... MY DAD TOOK THAT TURN AT 90!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! the car skided, but it's right turn with the drop on the inside, os the car skided away.. but I've never felt such an instant of real fear... this was all just so that the guy behind us wouldn't over take us, and we'de get water spray from his tyres onto our winshield (cos it's was raining at the time)... I've still not forgiven him:(..
what else... me and my little brother went out collecting lady birds when we were about 5,6, and 7 ... and we found a hoard of them.. and we filled a pretty big jar... we took it into the house... and put it on the table... and my dad knocks it over... there living room went dark cos the windows were covered in ladybirds trying to get out via the window... those were the days..
What else.... oh yeah.. MY DADS DRIVING!!!! SWEET GOD!!.. I used to live in Wick, which is really about as far north into scotland as you could go.. and it was mountanous.. and it was remote... and the nearest city was inverness... and on the road between wick and inverness, there is notorious turn, where on one side you've got a 3 foot stone wall, on the other side of the wall there is about 300 foot drop (no exageration)... and it's pretty scarry, and poeple normally take that turn at 20 to 25 miles an hour... MY DAD TOOK THAT TURN AT 90!!!!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!! the car skided, but it's right turn with the drop on the inside, os the car skided away.. but I've never felt such an instant of real fear... this was all just so that the guy behind us wouldn't over take us, and we'de get water spray from his tyres onto our winshield (cos it's was raining at the time)... I've still not forgiven him:(..
what else... me and my little brother went out collecting lady birds when we were about 5,6, and 7 ... and we found a hoard of them.. and we filled a pretty big jar... we took it into the house... and put it on the table... and my dad knocks it over... there living room went dark cos the windows were covered in ladybirds trying to get out via the window... those were the days..
# 11
I got tottally drunk before a gig. We were playing and jumping around I got tangled in my cords and fell tottally ruined the song but everyone was happy any way until I threw up on the stage that is.
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"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 12