pstring - I got into it accidentally and after seeing some idiots from my old college do it on a tv programme - hell if they can do it....
Gosh,where do i start??..well, a little about mine..
Cheap telecaster copy..wouldn't play right.found the bridge placed way over scale .. moved the bridge to the right place..and in my delicacy in taking the bridge pup out i broke a connector. "oh,darn" i said :).
Looked up pup specs on the web. this sort of thing.
Panicked at the thought of 7-8000 winds of VERY thin wire. Bought the nearest gauge wire at local store [40 gau],due again to the low money factor, wound until i filled the bobbin - by hand!! Took 2 and a bit days!
Most of mine are low impedance [about 1k or less ]- although i have gone up to 4k using a cordless drill and infinite patience - which means you do have to either really whack the amp up or use a signal boost..i find they sound great through a simple preamp. Lower impedance pups seem to have a great singing tone and resonance and beleive me i can still get a great tele snarl on the bridge pup.
I may be building a winding machine if funds permit Jason Lollar has bits/info for building your own pups and winder- but be careful if you order the bobbins, [he sent me all tele neck bobbins,instead of what i ordered, but maybe i wasn't paying attention to the order?]. His bobbins consist of just a top and bottom plate, but he has specs on his site for building these. only bought the bobbins as i'm not very good with my hands.
I'm possibly going to build a winder out of two drill stands
attached to a soild peice of wood for the base - i thnik this is the cheapest place to can add a mechanical counter,which you really need..unless you can calculate the speed of your drill and then time it.
The following place is a great site to start for general pup info..just follow the pup links, if they work. found solding 40 gauge wire a great way to learn how to solder:D
BTW the 4k neck single on my strat copy sounds dandy in comparison with the alleged Kent Armstrong bridge pup [6k] i put in......
Accuracy,you say? hmm interesting concept..