I was always fascinated by piano players, and originally wanted to play the piano. That was out of the question; no way was I going to get a piano. But I've always been musically inclined, as I'd played wind instruments, horns in elementary school. When I was 12 and discovering rock, I decided the guitar was for me. I saved enough to rent a guitar and took a few lessons. Being able to read music a bit, I was bored to tears by the instructor, so I quit after about 3 lessons, and taught myself. about 8 years later, and about 3 years as a Bio major (with thoughts of going to med school), Lenny Breau (google him), told me my calling was being a guitarist. I immediately dropped out, and ran off to the Berklee College of Music where I learned how
not to play the guitar as a performance major, then dropped out after 2 1/2 years. I got decent grades as a Bio major, but I was too wrapped up playing (with my guitar and my girlfriend :D ). Yeah, I wanted to be a rockstar also. (Lenny was a jazz guy, but he could play anything.) I used to hang out at a music store in Queens, NY where lots of guitarists hung out. There was this kid, about 5 yrs younger than me; most of us felt he had a lot to learn, then, one day we heard he joined a band. I can't remember the name of the band, but they hit the big time- coulda been Metallica or something like that. I have few regrets in life, but the one regret I have was in not joining many bands I was invited to play in. I just didn't have the stones to get out there cuz I was such a perfectionist and insecure about my playing no matter how good others told me I was. My only claim to "fame" is I'm recorded on some commerical records- don't know which ones. A good friend of mine was partners in a recording studio with the former keyboard player from the Tom-Tom club, and I was asked to lay down some rhythm tracks on recordings they were producing. hmmm...I'm blatering....
Anyway, 38 yrs later and a long layoff from playing, I'm baaack. Even when I wasn't playing, I was always thinking about it. Never marry someone that complains about what makes you happy!
Silimtao-The Way of the Little Idea
I want to die peacefully like my grandfather. Unlike the other passengers in the car, screaming and crying. (unknown)