My own personal favorites:
Lindsay Lohan: After she appeared on Saturday Night Live way back I thought she was gonna be the next hug star... Then she went nuts and showed her fire crotch, partied every night, STD's her way to every guy she could spread her legs to, snorted coke and went into rehab and ...... totally lost all respect.
Paris Hilton. nuff said.. what a sleeze....
Hilary Duff.... ditto
Britanny Spears.... total train reck... bald head... married to Jason Alexander... 2 kids.... married to K-Fed.... trailer trash.... what a let down....
Any other 'star' who decided to lose weight and become rail thin....
Kirsty Alley... for becoming a blimp
Valerie Bertinellie for becoming a secondary blimp...
Anybody who gets plastic surgery to look better and turns out looking like Chuckie.....
Rosie Odonelll for being a tub of lard with a big loud mouth
Portia Derossie for destroying every males fantasy by going out with Ellen Degenerous.
If ya can think of any more lemme know.....
Ok... how about stars that make ya puke
# 1

Star Jones...yccck.
Sylvestor Stallone for that pointless Rocky Five Billion remake.
Elizibeth Hurley, for getting married--and AGAIN it's not to me.
Katie Holmes. Scientology = puke-worthy.
Sylvestor Stallone for that pointless Rocky Five Billion remake.
Elizibeth Hurley, for getting married--and AGAIN it's not to me.
Katie Holmes. Scientology = puke-worthy.
Back In Black isn't a song. It's a divine call that gets channeled through five righteous dudes every thousand years or so. That's why dragons and sea monsters don't exist anymore.
# 2
Originally Posted by: PlatonicShred
Katie Holmes. Scientology = puke-worthy.
Not to mention the plastic surgery Stepford Wife clone to please Tom.
# 3

I quite enjoyed the new Rocky movie actually. I came out of the theatre humming the the Rocky theme tune and with a mad desire to run up some steps and jump around.
Boy do I dislike the guy who hosts Fear Factor though, and also Tyra Banks.
Boy do I dislike the guy who hosts Fear Factor though, and also Tyra Banks.
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 4

Ha. Joe Rogan's funny though--he's such a hater it's ridiculous. Have you listened to him sound off about Carlos Mencia and Dane Cook---vintage disgruntled.
Back In Black isn't a song. It's a divine call that gets channeled through five righteous dudes every thousand years or so. That's why dragons and sea monsters don't exist anymore.
# 5

for me its Nicholas Cage! I cant stand him...I loved Con Air, but then I saw that crap national Treasure movie and he just annoyed me throughout...he just knew everything,and somehow really pissed me off...since then I cant watch him...I hate him.
Lets see, who else do I,thats about it
Lets see, who else do I,thats about it
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 6
I can't stand Dane Cook. Punk. Thief. The kinda of guy that if we hung out and drank a few beers, someone would be getting their a** beat after an hour or so. And it wouldn't be me.
Sorry. He's just not funny.
The entire secondary brat pack b.s. The Hilton/Richie/Lohan/Spears...blah, blah, blah crew. They are not even interesting enough to make me sick.
Any of the ice-people. Ice cube, Ice T, Vanilla Ice, Ice Tray....enough already. You're a gansta. Fine. But how much of a gangsta are ya when it's all about how much cash you can milk out of middle class America with your CD's? When you commericialize criminality, how 'street' are you?
Uber right-wing moralists.
Any of those so-called intellectual talking heads on the FOX news channel.
Larry King. Just because you had a thought, doesn't make it a brilliant bon-mot. "For my money, nothing tastes better than that first cup of coffee in the morning...." Brilliant Larry. Just brilliant.
Tom Cruise. You peaked with Risky Business. You little pocket-sized weenie.
'Final Tours'. Seriously, I saw The Who on one of their MANY final tours in 1989! I don't care how long you decide to tour. I love your music. Just stop calling it 'The Final Tour' just to increase your ticket sales! How flippin' stupid do you think we are!!!! ARRRGHHHHH.
Egad, I need more coffee. Sorry for the rant. I'm in a miserable frame of mind this morning.....
Sorry. He's just not funny.
The entire secondary brat pack b.s. The Hilton/Richie/Lohan/Spears...blah, blah, blah crew. They are not even interesting enough to make me sick.
Any of the ice-people. Ice cube, Ice T, Vanilla Ice, Ice Tray....enough already. You're a gansta. Fine. But how much of a gangsta are ya when it's all about how much cash you can milk out of middle class America with your CD's? When you commericialize criminality, how 'street' are you?
Uber right-wing moralists.
Any of those so-called intellectual talking heads on the FOX news channel.
Larry King. Just because you had a thought, doesn't make it a brilliant bon-mot. "For my money, nothing tastes better than that first cup of coffee in the morning...." Brilliant Larry. Just brilliant.
Tom Cruise. You peaked with Risky Business. You little pocket-sized weenie.
'Final Tours'. Seriously, I saw The Who on one of their MANY final tours in 1989! I don't care how long you decide to tour. I love your music. Just stop calling it 'The Final Tour' just to increase your ticket sales! How flippin' stupid do you think we are!!!! ARRRGHHHHH.
Egad, I need more coffee. Sorry for the rant. I'm in a miserable frame of mind this morning.....
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 7
Anyone who is just famous for being famous....
Recent phenomena over here - football (soccer :rolleyes: ) players' wives... They turn up on TV going shopping and generally behaving like the spolit, ill educated beeatches that they are.
No idea why anyone would be interested....
Most of the others already covered.... Paris Hilton especially... but at least she's easy...
Recent phenomena over here - football (soccer :rolleyes: ) players' wives... They turn up on TV going shopping and generally behaving like the spolit, ill educated beeatches that they are.
No idea why anyone would be interested....
Most of the others already covered.... Paris Hilton especially... but at least she's easy...
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]
# 8

Keyon West - race card pulling mother ........ !
Firgy - crack hore
Firgy - crack hore
# 9
Reese Withersoon. The height of her career was in Freeway which was a satire about children with criminal (crack smoking) parents and how they act out. It was supposed to be a spin off towards little Red Riding Hood. She played a white trash 12 year old that was hard as anything. That and Election... but she was supposed to be annoying in that movie so she fit the roll perfectly.
Orlando Bloom. Just bad acting in every movie he has ever been in.
Schmange. What a loser.
Orlando Bloom. Just bad acting in every movie he has ever been in.
Schmange. What a loser.
# 10

# 11
Pretty much everyone that has already been mentioned, plus.........
Steven Seagal: for saying that the blues delta tuning is ignorant......said that in an interview in Guitar Player magazine. He annoys me anyway, but that comment made me want to kick him in the head Chuck Norris style...
Gilbert Godfrey: Listen to the voice, nuff said.
Dakota Fanning: Just something about her that get's on my nerves...I think it's b/c she over acts...
The dude on America's Funniest Animals, Matt something: He's just a dweeb.
Hillary Clinton: For being born.
Kyra Sedgwick: For doing a lousy job with the southern accent on The Closer.
Hmm, that's all for now..
Steven Seagal: for saying that the blues delta tuning is ignorant......said that in an interview in Guitar Player magazine. He annoys me anyway, but that comment made me want to kick him in the head Chuck Norris style...
Gilbert Godfrey: Listen to the voice, nuff said.
Dakota Fanning: Just something about her that get's on my nerves...I think it's b/c she over acts...
The dude on America's Funniest Animals, Matt something: He's just a dweeb.
Hillary Clinton: For being born.
Kyra Sedgwick: For doing a lousy job with the southern accent on The Closer.
Hmm, that's all for now..
Check out my band:
Havoc Din
Havoc Din
# 12

You guys wouldn't know her, but there's this news anchor from Winnipeg named Janet Stewart. She's my arch-nemesis.

# 13

Everyone mentioned except Nicholas Cage. He doesn't bother me.
I will add however Al Sharpton. This guy opens his mouth I want to snap his jaw off.
Sorry a little hostile...
I will add however Al Sharpton. This guy opens his mouth I want to snap his jaw off.
Sorry a little hostile...
# 14

Sandra Bernard. She's the definition of the word disgusting pig of a human being, if you can call her that, that walked this planet.
# 15
Originally Posted by: Logan826Sandra Bernard. She's the definition of the word disgusting pig of a human being, if you can call her that, that walked this planet.
Ohh yea, good call. Forgot about her. Of course, she was perfect in 'The King of Comedy' with DeNiro and Jerry Lewis!
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 16

Katie Couric. Hillary Clinton. Every single person that ever appeared on a show that was based in Orange County, California. Al Gore for being the most dillusional and hypocritical piece of trash to ever walk on the face of the planet.
Thats about it.
Thats about it.
Let your soul shine. Its better than sunshine. Its better than moonshine. Damn sure better than rain.
# 17

man you guys are weak haters. ya know that?
tom cruise. this moronic simp got by on his looks until he actually developed some talent after years of failing at acting. and what does he do with his money? push more religious garbage and rail against science.
worthless piece of midge human garbage.
here's another good one:
pete wentz: this arrogant little piece of cockroach fecal matter acts like his writings are anything good. his lyrics are trite and he doesn't even write the music. he's a mediocre bassist at best and just a step above sid vicious on a normal day. the guys in fall out boy must make a lot of money to put up with his garbage (afterall, can't fire your pretty boy, the band would instantly lose money). by garbage, i mean that he's a loudmouth who speaks for his band and speaks ad nauseum about whatever is on his peon brain.
tom cruise. this moronic simp got by on his looks until he actually developed some talent after years of failing at acting. and what does he do with his money? push more religious garbage and rail against science.
worthless piece of midge human garbage.
here's another good one:
pete wentz: this arrogant little piece of cockroach fecal matter acts like his writings are anything good. his lyrics are trite and he doesn't even write the music. he's a mediocre bassist at best and just a step above sid vicious on a normal day. the guys in fall out boy must make a lot of money to put up with his garbage (afterall, can't fire your pretty boy, the band would instantly lose money). by garbage, i mean that he's a loudmouth who speaks for his band and speaks ad nauseum about whatever is on his peon brain. post is done...goodbye.
# 18

Originally Posted by: Logan826Sandra Bernard. She's the definition of the word disgusting pig of a human being, if you can call her that, that walked this planet.
the comedian? what'd she do? post is done...goodbye.
# 19

It's not what she did, it's what she doesn't do. BTW, don't offend comedians by calling her one. ;)
# 20