I agree with the original thought. I think it's a combination of both theories. I base that on the thought that the Bible indicates that God created the Earth in 7 days, right? Well,
time is mans invention to measure the passage of life. God would have no need for time. (One of the pluses of being an Eternal Being). There is a passage in the Bible somewhere (forgive me for not quoting it - I can't remember where it is) that says that basically that a day to God is a millenium to man.
So, keeping that thought in mind, then the fact that God created the Earth in 7 days makes perfect sense.
Bear in mind too that the early books of the Bible were written from oral history by Moses. It was NOT an eye-witness account. I sometimes think that early history is like a game of telephone. By the time the account is memorialized, the details can change and be a little fuzzy.
I think I have said this here on the boards before, but I like to think that God sort of set this up as a terrarium and just sort of kicked into motion. Not saying that he doesn't handle all the day to day maintenance. I do believe that. I just think that it is not out of the realm of possibilities that God used evolution as a way of developing mankind. We grow, change and adapt.
He never changes.
I realize that I cannot prove any of this, but this is how I have come to feel about it. 'Cuz you simply cannot dismiss the existence of fossils. They are here. We've all seen them. So to just shut your eyes and pretend that they don't exist is really just whistling past the graveyard.
Just my two cents worth.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]