There for me is nothing that can better prepare a less advanced musican than buckling down and learning your diatonic scale throughtout the neck of the gutiar starting at the neck top and learning your way down. I cant stress this enough. So many gutiar players get it ass backwards and try and learn everything else first not comprehending the function of knowing your diatonic scale in whatever key your playing in. For that matter the diatonic scale is the key, and if you dont know it you cant move through out the neck and stay in key. There is nothing more important than being able to stay in key. Now there is no rule set in stone saying what notes a person can put in there songs, but there is a rule allowing each person to decide what sounds good for themselves, and what doesent. If your floating out of key within your playing even those with no musical knowledge will here it, and realize something dosent sound right, and possibly want to leave the building as soon as possible.
I have had many debates with highly knowledgable musicans who can blow you away with the hard to understand musical terms and levels of musical understanding that are very impressive. But some still dont know their diatoinc scale throughout the neck, thus unknowingly handicapping there preformance, and level of improvement. All the fancy terms in the world arent going to make you play better, or faster. Knowing, understanding, and constantly practicing your diatonic scale will.
Now there are going to be some who disagree with this mainly because learning this pattern throughout the neck is not an easy thing to do. It requires much time, and effort. But take it from a 22 year veteran of gutiar playing there can be nothing more important to a gutiarist wanting real improvment in skills, and understanding how music works.
I personaly guarantee those who drop what their practicing, and achieve learning, and studying the diatonic scale will be miles ahead of those who do not. Once you have learned every where your fingers should be, thats when you can really start to manipulate the scale, and become dam creative. I dont care if you play rhythm, or lead, major, or minor it all still falls into the same diatonic pattern that we all play by.
There is more to discuss to fully cover this subject but we got to start somewhere, and besides my intrest is in helping less advanced players improve, I dont belive the higher skilled players would ever admit learning form this post ( even if they did ). We gutiar players are a proud bunch.