Thinkin bout joining a band

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08/15/2001 12:16 am
Hey every one

this is my very first post!! I have been playing for a little while bout 2 years now and can play a fair few songs, and I've been thinkin about joing a band, does any one have any tips as to goin about that, like gear getting gigs and all that stuff??
# 1
Guitar Tricks Instructor
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Guitar Tricks Instructor
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08/15/2001 1:38 am
Well, i would definitly join the band there's nothing better than being in a band. Unless of course it's uncomfortable and/or you dont want to be there.

Now about the gear.
It really depends on the size venues you're going to be playing. Sometimes they might a PA system set-up already, but this is usually only at a nicer places from what i've seen. There are several factors that play in when getting gear, but the main one is:

Do you want to spend much money? If no, then i would stick with just the amp you have and everyone just plays out of their amp and etc. If your willing the toss the coin then you or one of your band members could invest in a PA system, they're very nice, especially if you wanna record just buy a couple extra toys. Although, from personal experience i dont suggest you and your band members try to buy a PA together. Here's my story :). My former band member got the boot (he wasn't coming to practices), so he went on to another bamd, he and his friend had quite alot of money, so my former band member gave his friend 300$ of his share to invest in a PA system. Well, his friend was also a serious drug addict, he decided to screw the PA system and buy himself a good couple parties. My former band member lost his money and then went through an anguishing 8 months to get his money back... He finally did.

Now about getting gigs.
First of all don't make the mistake of bringing a little jazz band to a rock club (ugh... no... i haven't ever done this *cough* *cough*). We got destroyed and it was my first gig LMAO, i'll never forget it. Anyways, i would always scope the place out before i went to see what i was getting into. Option B: There are management companies in lots of cities, you can send your demo tape into them and they might take you on and get you gigs etc. etc.

NOTE: Make sure you can smoothly run through all your songs before you think of gigging. And have fun!


[Edited by Peanucle on 08-14-2001 at 09:40 PM]
# 2
Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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08/15/2001 11:17 pm
first thing's first:
Play with people you get along with really well, and be sure you're playing music that satisfies you.

Next thing:
make sure you're having a good time

final thing:
don't be suprised at bad nights, bum audiences, or all those people who say "sure thing, I'll be there" when you're flyering or talking to your friends that never show up for the gig.

If you can cope with all of that, you'll be ok.
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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# 3
Joined: 07/11/00
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08/24/2001 3:50 am
For the most part, we're all looking for the perfect words that will get us on the right track in forming a band. However, you have to learn to work at your own pace, and you shouldn't be afraid to make mistakes.

It's safe to say that as musicians, sometimes we are afraid of that one discouraging moment where we just might realize that we don't have the courge to continue, that we don't have the will to play in front of not only our friends but complete strangers. But I'll just say this, before starting a band, make sure that you're in it for all of the right reasons, be sure that you're not just doing it to prove a point.

The only thing you have to prove in this lifetime is that you're strong enough to go for what you want and when you want it. When starting a band, be sure that you're comfortable with your surroundings. However, you wont always feel right at home with the new people that you're working with, but if you want to succeed, you have to have the patience to not only listen to their ideas, but treat everyone involved as equal partners. Never think of your band as a one man project, no matter if it seems like you're doing all of the work..

As for gigs, take whatever you can get, and make believe it's the greatest thing ever. It's important to keep your enthusiasm very high especially if it seems like you're at your very low spot.

And, with that sad, have fun partner.

"Swoop and soar like the blues angels."
# 4

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