using marked frets for key&scale changes?

I have tought myself the entire key of G & E thru the full neck (Gutiar). But I am finding it overwelming to move on to the other keys, to much memorizing! G & E no problem, they are so simular, and not so bad with C it is close, but I cant help thinking there has got to be some way to memorize Key changes easily without basicly teaching yourself the patterns of each key indiviually and memorizing the volumes of data,(My memorys not what it use to be). I know each key pattern moves thru out the neck a half step, but over the entire neck from one key far offset from another I cant find an easy system of memorizing. I am thinking the marked frets hold some kind of common way to refer from one key to an other, and there is a trick to it I dont know yet, and I sure dont want to try and learn the most common keys individually, thru out the neck, thats alot of memorizing! I hope someone out there knows the trick, and can inlighten me.( pardon my ignorance )
# 1

when you play a major scale you have a pattern that you play right?
So if you are playing your G major scale with a certain pattern starting with G, you should be able to move that pattern anywhere, but starting on a different root note.
So if you are playing your G major scale with a certain pattern starting with G, you should be able to move that pattern anywhere, but starting on a different root note.
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 2

Your rite, but my Question is how do you change keys with root note, say G#/B flat, with the corresponding scale patterns that go with it. Of which are now in a totally diffrent relation to the marked frets, thur out the neck, top to bottom. I mean I am starting to think you have to be a genius, with a photographic memory to master the six, or seven most popular keys thruout the whole neck, which is ideal to be a great player who can sit in with any band, and at least be able to stay in what ever keys they want to play in, and not fly out of key just because you dont know the patters in certin keys. I mean man would it be great for me if the 3-5-7-9-12-15-17-19-21 marked frets were movable, because those frets are how I memorize pattern changes, and if they all moved to what ever key you want to play in I would have no problem, because I know the whole pattern, I just cant move the whole pattern up, or down a half step because the dots on the marked frets dont move, or even a whole step because theres two spaces between 9-12 fret, and 12-15. There has got to be a reasonable explaination for the way the frets are marked? What it mean, and why?
# 3

The reason the frets are marked so that you can see at a quick glance where you are on the neck. The markings for the frets have no relevance to scales or playing scales. They are just like little signposts to tell you what fret you are at.
It may seem like it, but it doesn't take a genius to memorize the scale patterns all over the neck. it just takes a lot of practice and time.
It's also worth getting to know where all the notes are on the guitar and also knowing which notes are in which major scales.
It just takes time man.
It may seem like it, but it doesn't take a genius to memorize the scale patterns all over the neck. it just takes a lot of practice and time.
It's also worth getting to know where all the notes are on the guitar and also knowing which notes are in which major scales.
It just takes time man.
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 4

Originally Posted by: Julian VickersThe reason the frets are marked so that you can see at a quick glance where you are on the neck. The markings for the frets have no relevance to scales or playing scales. They are just like little signposts to tell you what fret you are at.
It may seem like it, but it doesn't take a genius to memorize the scale patterns all over the neck. it just takes a lot of practice and time.
It's also worth getting to know where all the notes are on the guitar and also knowing which notes are in which major scales.
It just takes time man.
You must be careful not to prejudge. Many of your views I consider questionable, and open for debate. Thanks for the imput though, I like your style.
# 5

Originally Posted by: axemaster911You must be careful not to prejudge. Many of your views I consider questionable, and open for debate. Thanks for the imput though, I like your style.
I was just saying that the dots to mark the frets are there to mark places on the neck so that while playing, you can see where you are at a quick glance. I don't think there was any pre-judging going on.
Knowing the notes on the guitar becomes a valuable asset. You don't really have to sit there for ages memorizing, after a few years of playing guitar, you start to just know where the notes are without any work. Although, from your profile I see you've been playing guitar for 20 years, which is five times what I've been playing, so who am I to say?
Miracle Blade 4: Gibs on touch.
# 6

Originally Posted by: AkiraI don't see how Julian was prejudging at all.
Learning all the notes in every key. Well, learn all the modes in say the key of G, then just move the root note to move the whole pattern to a different key, simple. Memorisation of every note isn't necessary, just learn the modes. I think you're making things too difficult for yourself.
Being hard on your self should be left to the judjment of the person with the hard on! Are you sure memorisation of every note isent nessicary? Did you assume I had know knowlege of root notes, and there place in keys, and key movements, are root notes on the fretboard movable, changeable, or eatable.I asked a specfic number of Question in the thread your reffering to none of which were answered without prejudgment, and going into areas I didnot ask about, nor did I tell about,( so prejudgment at all you say) I disagree, For example,( hey, you got me started) I was fully versed in fretboard note locations on julians 1st birthday, and practice I had more practice in before julians parents decided to get started making him from scratch, judging from his profile. But ok enough chep shot, my point is I dident ask for advice on learning all my notes, or getting in some more much needed practice for technique improvement, or about Major scale movements, that ive already got covered, but I got it any way in a manner I found a little offensive(not to much) but enough to speek my mind. Even you Akira are prejudging me, and my abilitys, and really not answering my orginal question, and offering me no new information. Your assuming I dont allready know the notes in each seperate key, and there modes, or about root notes and there relation to keys, modes, and pattern movements. And you said somthing was "simple" that I think is one of the most challenging aspects of fluant guitarsmanship. You know thats ok, Im not scolding yall, Im just saying, try to answer the question without getting into prejudjing someones abilitys, or deepths of study, because what may be simple for you, and unnessicary, could be dam hard for someone else. And some people may even like being hard on them selves,and taking on challenging things for added improvement, and range. The only thing I got out of this whole Q & A session is julians answer that the marked frets are nothing but sign posts on the neck, and hold no special relation to Key changes. GOOD ANSWER Ill start practicing! Rock Out With Your Clock Out.
# 7

# 8

Originally Posted by: Julian VickersI was just saying that the dots to mark the frets are there to mark places on the neck so that while playing, you can see where you are at a quick glance. I don't think there was any pre-judging going on.
Knowing the notes on the guitar becomes a valuable asset. You don't really have to sit there for ages memorizing, after a few years of playing guitar, you start to just know where the notes are without any work. Although, from your profile I see you've been playing guitar for 20 years, which is five times what I've been playing, so who am I to say?
Well, pardner you just had to go back into prejudge vill. Do you assume I dont know the notes on the fretboard! I think so, but I never said I dont know all the notes on the fretboard,"help me" (you prejudged me) that oks, I use to do it all the time, untill I started getting smartass remarks in reply.(broke me quick) You had a great answer on the marked frets being no more than sign posts on the fretboard to show the way. I have always tryed to find some common link in the marked frets and all keys. No more, there just signs to guide the way.Dam Rite, I agree, GOOD ANSWER "for a 21 yr old legal drinker" Rock on Dude
# 9
Ok now I have to get involved..... :p
I think I see what you're want to know if there is a way to learn all the different modes of every key there is? You want to learn an easy way to stay in Amaj all the way down the fretboard and all that jazz right? There is no easy way to do it which is why I just go with what my ears tell me. It is a huge investment of time to learn [U]all[/U] of them be tween minors, majors, and the rest it'll take years. A lot of musicians shy away from theory as much as they can get away with. It is imperative to learn as much as possible but not always enjoyable or easy. So in response to your question....No, there is no easy way to do it just practice like almost all things in guitar. Oh besides using reletive scales which is usually how I go about it. Usually just Major and Minor but it's the same for all keys and counting frets is part of the strategy but that's about all I got.
I think I see what you're want to know if there is a way to learn all the different modes of every key there is? You want to learn an easy way to stay in Amaj all the way down the fretboard and all that jazz right? There is no easy way to do it which is why I just go with what my ears tell me. It is a huge investment of time to learn [U]all[/U] of them be tween minors, majors, and the rest it'll take years. A lot of musicians shy away from theory as much as they can get away with. It is imperative to learn as much as possible but not always enjoyable or easy. So in response to your question....No, there is no easy way to do it just practice like almost all things in guitar. Oh besides using reletive scales which is usually how I go about it. Usually just Major and Minor but it's the same for all keys and counting frets is part of the strategy but that's about all I got.
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 10

No easy way, that is the most clear cut way to put it. I know theirs keys with simular positions, hell there the ones I play. I couldent help taking a long shot to pick around for some way to make sence of it all. You know really though, your singers vocal range is the factor for keys you really nead to learn so it all blends. I still get the need to practice keys in the twylite zones. They sound diffrent, almost somtimes like all new music Ive never heard. I just cant seem to remember the positioning the next day, when I sober up! THANKS FOR GOOD COMON SENCE ADVICE. Refreshing!
# 11

Ya, Its cool dude. I have just been noticing some members repleys that I have been reading, "not just mine", expecially repleys to unexperienced writers have a pounce, and belittling mentality to go along with the advice being offered. I cant help mixing words with that type of aproch. I mean a person timidly asking for advice on somthing they know theyll be ridiculed about produces people that may not ask about somthing that to them is a big deal. Where the progress in that. So I may have took a little frustration out on you, and julian, but more so Im trying to help you guys. I mean really I dont think either of you fully understood my question, so I dident understand your answers, and found them (how do you say in England) A tad spotie. What you say can be inturprited diffrent from one person to the next, drawing diffrent responces, so comunication skills are another good practice. You and julian are far advanced for your age, keep at it! No more hugs, and kisses, you dont want me to have to cross the pond!
# 12
I'm glad this was resolved so peacefully among everyone! The music theory forum is not often subject to personal affrontery, and clearly this was just a misunderstanding. Good work guys, seriously. Way to keep me not so busy!
# 13

Originally Posted by: Jolly McJollysonI'm glad this was resolved so peacefully among everyone! The music theory forum is not often subject to personal affrontery, and clearly this was just a misunderstanding. Good work guys, seriously. Way to keep me not so busy!
Ya, before I knew it, things started getting touchy. From now on I am going to be a little more carefull answering questions, starting with being confidently sure of my answer, and ecspecially with my insinuations. Hey theres all kinds of lesson to be learned here. Dont get me wrong a heated debate is allways good fun. Im looking forward to the next one. Oh ,and I am assuming you have a really good band, luv to hear it. send me a link. Not sure where blueberrie hill is though.
# 14
It's where that guy found his thrill. :D
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
Guitar Tricks Moderator
"If it feels right, play it. If it feels wrong, play it faster” - Magicninja - Home of Online Guitar Lessons
# 15
Originally Posted by: axemaster911Ya, before I knew it, things started getting touchy. From now on I am going to be a little more carefull answering questions, starting with being confidently sure of my answer, and ecspecially with my insinuations. Hey theres all kinds of lesson to be learned here. Dont get me wrong a heated debate is allways good fun. Im looking forward to the next one. Oh ,and I am assuming you have a really good band, luv to hear it. send me a link. Not sure where blueberrie hill is though.
My band has a link to it in my signature.
# 16