when i first started to paly guitar and i took lessons at my 2ND TIME at guitar lessons ive been palying guitar for like, what, a week? maybe 2? but anyway at my second week hes like "O.K. Lets learn "The kids arnt allright by Offspring" adn he was such a geek he had the short hair with the tucked in shirt and I couldnt ven do a chord not mentioning not beable to play that fast friggin song, well, 2 years later i can play like ALMOST everything, excluding some vai satriani and so-on, but now I got the cooloest teacher with the long hair n stuff, the point is, That if you do get lessons, and you dont like the guy thats teaching you..DITCH HIM find some1 u really like or guitar lessons wont be fun, it'll be a chore
My guitar is like an umbillical cord, its wired into my head.