I dont think thats the case with me.
Few weeks ago I split from my dream girl. She dumped me, didnt wana be tied down etc. She was amazing, utterly beautiful, and probably the most respected/well-known girl in our town. Shes also semi famous, has been on childrens tv in the UK with her acting! Shes with the biggest acting adgency in europe.
My point is.. I lost her.. Im totally devistated. I will never meet anyone like her agian! Her family were well off, respectable people too. She had manners.. had class.. was funny, was cute n made me happy.
The reason I mention it now was tnite was the first time I saw her since we split 4 weeks ago. guess shes given me my space and now shes decided to come back to the pub and hang out again.
The whole thing is so depressing. :(
Some people dream of being with avril or britney... thats how I felt about her. Shes a star. I dont wana say her name but in a couple of years time If she becomes even more famous then I'll tell you! I have pics of her in my room as evidence I once new her!!
Joking aside though, I dont I'll ever get over this. Feels like winning the lottery but then losing the ticket.. al never get over it. I'll spend the rest of my life thinking I wonder how things would be if we hadnt split.