Guitartricks Electoral College

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10/14/2004 10:51 am
I suspect many of you are young and concerned about the draft and war..I am as well as I have two sons getting closer to draft who is a regular poster here...I truly hope none of you have to serve and those who do I can not thank you enough for the services that you have provided this country....I have friends who have sons and son in laws in the war and I pray for them. On November 3rd we need to support whom' ever our leader is.
Politics can be a grinding weary process, but do not lose your spirit, it what makes the country great! Two other points: never talk politics at the dinner table, never mix religion and politics...they are no win situations.


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# 1
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10/14/2004 4:15 pm
Originally Posted by: Leedogg...our guitartricks election is still neck-n-neck ...

Another swing state huh?
Bush and Kerry should log on.
And if they had a debate over here, I think Kerry would win, primarily coz he used to be in a band when he was in college, and we all know how we swon over other musicians now, don't we?
# 2
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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10/14/2004 5:41 pm
Originally Posted by: kingdavidAnother swing state huh?
...and we all know how [he won] over other musicians now, don't we?

By offering government handouts to starving artists and socializing the music business?
# 3
Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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10/14/2004 5:58 pm
Originally Posted by: ChristophBy offering government handouts to starving artists and socializing the music business?

I think he meant "How 'we swoon' over other musicians" not "How 'he won' over other musicians"
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# 4
is Super Fabulous
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is Super Fabulous
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10/14/2004 6:00 pm
I see . . .

Well, chalk another one up for the public school system. :D
# 5
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10/14/2004 8:03 pm
Originally Posted by: SPLYes.

Not what you said about what happened in Cananda, but implying that the same thing will happen in the U.S.
[font=trebuchet ms]But it can happen there. I have forgotten the name of the guy, but this particular example of 'liberal thought' was so egregious that it stuck with me.

A White house official lost his job because he used the word "niggardly" in conversation with another official. He used the word properly, referring to the insufficient amounts being offered for some government program, but he got canned anyway because some 'people of colour' might be offended by the remark.

The man is black, by the way.

A society that embraces such folly is in deep, deep trouble.

Hold the presses!

I got curious and decided to Google some archived stories on that item...

I remember a picture in our newspaper showing two men, one white, and one black, that accompanied the story. What got scrambled in my recollection of the event was that the man was a white aide to the black mayor of Washington, D.C. So it's not quite as ironic as I recalled it, but as the second and third paragraphs in this article shows, even the unvarnished truth is very sad.

I'm sorry about the inaccuracy, though the point I made is still valid, based on the facts.[/font]
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# 6
Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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10/14/2004 9:45 pm
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]But it can happen there. I have forgotten the name of the guy, but this particular example of 'liberal thought' was so egregious that it stuck with me.

A White house official lost his job because he used the word "niggardly" in conversation with another official. He used the word properly, referring to the insufficient amounts being offered for some government program, but he got canned anyway because some 'people of colour' might be offended by the remark.

The man is black, by the way.

A society that embraces such folly is in deep, deep trouble.[/font]

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you: the United States of America! Try not to laugh too hard.
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# 7
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10/15/2004 5:53 am
Originally Posted by: LordathestringsA society that embraces such folly is in deep, deep trouble.

You're absolutely right. But there's a difference between liberalism and downright stupidity(like in the example you qouted). Neither liberalism, nor conservatism are good when they are taken to extremes.

Personally, I'm pretty confident that Kerry wouldn't let things get out of hand like that.
# 8
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10/30/2004 1:19 pm
I figured I'd resurrect this thread for those of you who haven't voted yet. Election day is fast approaching!
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# 9
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10/30/2004 3:42 pm
Here's a good one. So 4 years ago when I turned 18 I registered to vote (along with the Selective Service) thinking that this would allow me to participate in future elections. I was 1 month too young to vote in the 2000 election at the time. Well, as the story goes, I went to college for the next 4 years and completely did not notice that I never got anything in the mail for local elections at home. So now we've got this Big Ol' Election and I get all geared up to do my duty as a citizen of a democratic nation. But this time I notice that nothing came in the mail for me about the coming election. So I get on the horn with the city and lo and behold, I'm not in the system. I don't get it. Was I supposed to send in cereal box tops or proof of purchase with all that paperwork 4 years ago? And of course now it's too late to re-register and I'm forced to sit this one out. Fan-friggin-tastic. All that voting spirit gone to waste.

I'm wondering if the reason we've had such low voter turnout for the last however many years it's been, is because people thought they registered when actually they forget to send in the box tops too. (Or more likely, they didnt attempt to register because they feel one vote is insignificant and besides, everyone else is voting, so who cares).

So yeah. I'm a little irked that I'm warming the bench. But for those of you who can vote, go win one for the Gipper.
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# 10
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10/30/2004 6:05 pm
Originally Posted by: ekstasis16Well, as the story goes, I went to college for the next 4 years and completely did not notice that I never got anything in the mail for local elections at home.

Just because you didn't figure it out during those 4 years doesn't necessarily mean that there's a flaw in the system.
If you didn't get a notice somewhere before October 18, you might have wanted to be prepared to go and submit another registration form...
# 11
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10/30/2004 9:24 pm
yea dude, I'm not exactly sure how registration works either, I thinks it different on a state-by-state basis. During the 2000 election I was still in college so I was registered to vote down at school. Earlier this month I registered to vote where I live now just to avoid confusion.

I'm not sure what you can do as I imagine it's too late....

Who were ya gonna vote for?
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# 12
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10/31/2004 4:46 am
well, i like to consider myself a filthy liberal. ya'll can do the math. but since california is going demo again anyways, oh well.

On a different note, here's a very good article I just read. I love this woman's work:
"When you're a young, long-haired guitarist, no one takes you seriously." - John Petrucci
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# 13

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