Guitartricks Electoral College

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10/07/2004 3:16 am
Originally Posted by: 1791I read this entire fourm and it sickind me these people have this idea of how
its suposd to be those people have this idea and it all turns into a big argument about nothing! people have diffrent opinions and all of them are more then likely rong ( no effence ) every one is emperfict and no one person
is going to solve anything. but the problem is no group can decide on anything as we've seen in this fourm. theres allways some person trying to cause conflict and someone trying to solve everything and they usely endup adding to the conflict. things have gotten so bad that people are making problems out of nothing personly I blame the meidia. no I'm not saying I have the answer cuase I dont but I think that somewhere theres an answer if I had the answer to all the problems I would tell you but I dont.
my name is travis I'm 13 and this is my opinions and no one elses!!
I hope I didn't effend anyone and I hope you can understand this I
kind of have bad spelling but thats allright as long as I got my point across

You've essentially summarized the art of politics. We live in a world more divided then ever. You're right, there is no one solution; and every solution to a problem that is presented is either flawed in some way, leaves a major demographic group out of the picture, or both. It's hard to imagine, but the ability to argue over each of these issues is actually a good thing. If everyone is of the same mindset then national policy moves way to fast and sometimes disastrous results can occur. Being gridlocked on hot topic issues protects us. The German people of the late 1920's through 40's were all of one mindset and look what happened. As you grow up (please don't think I'm trying to talk down to you because I'm older, I hated when people did that to me) you'll either get used to the arguing and chime with your own views, or be like most people: either uniformed, uninterested, or both.
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# 1
concrete chaos
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concrete chaos
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10/07/2004 12:21 pm
not american not living in america, and the last election we had here i didnt vote.[.waste of my time ]
'i dont have low self esteem, it's a mistake. I have low esteem for everyone else' - Daria
# 2
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10/08/2004 4:49 am
Originally Posted by: LeedoggIt's hard to imagine, but the ability to argue over each of these issues is actually a good thing.

Arguing is the best thing you can do. And I don't mean arguing in the sense of calling eachother names, but arguing in the sense of making educated arguments in order to back up your opinion. There's a big difference. I think we did pretty well in this topic in that sense, and I seriously doubt anybody's feelings were hurt. No need to feel sickened 1791. :-)

Being able to share arguments that back up your opinion is very important. Many people's opinions tend to be spoon fed to them, and are accepted without giving them too much thought. As the holocaust has shown, this kind of blind following can be incredibly dangerous.
# 3
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10/08/2004 11:27 am
Exactly my friend, once again you have hit the nail on he head !
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10/11/2004 6:52 am
Originally Posted by: Dr_simonExactly my friend, once again you have hit the nail on he head !

Nah, I just hit my head on the nail.... ouch! :eek: that's smarts
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# 5
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10/13/2004 11:02 am
Well the last debate is tonight and our guitartricks election is still neck-n-neck (US vote-wise). Anyone gonna be psyched to get this election over with? I'll be happy when it's all over.
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# 6
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10/13/2004 3:11 pm
Originally Posted by: LeedoggWell the last debate is tonight and our guitartricks election is still neck-n-neck (US vote-wise). Anyone gonna be psyched to get this election over with? I'll be happy when it's all over.
[font=trebuchet ms]A recent poll taken up here in Canada showed that the same voters who have repeatedly elected the socialist (Liberal Party) governments that have ruined our country would happily vote for Kerry. Be afraid. Be very afraid![/font]
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# 7
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10/13/2004 4:23 pm
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]A recent poll taken up here in Canada showed that the same voters who have repeatedly elected the socialist (Liberal Party) governments that have ruined our country would happily vote for Kerry. Be afraid. Be very afraid![/font]

Isn't it logic that they would vote for Kerry over Bush? What exactly is there to be afraid of? What is the link/point you are trying to make?
# 8
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10/13/2004 6:57 pm
Originally Posted by: SPLIsn't it logic that they would vote for Kerry over Bush? What exactly is there to be afraid of? What is the link/point you are trying to make?
[font=trebuchet ms]{rant}

Consider that at the end of the Second World War, Canada was the fourth most powerful nation in the world, after the US, the UK, and Russia. We had the world's third largest navy, with the second largest Merchant Marine fleet. Our economy was one of the world's strongest. Our aerospace industry was second only to the US.

After 40 years of almost uninterrupted Liberal Party rule, our armed forces have been reduced to the status of poorly-armed scouts. We haven't been able to deliver on our commitments to NATO or the UN in decades. The equipment our forces have to work with is so old and poorly maintained that a lot of it has become more hazardous to our personnel than hostile forces. One contributing factor in the death of four of our soldiers in Afghanistan who were bombed by a US airman was the inability of our forces to co-ordinate communications with the US forces. Six of our soldiers died when a Sea King helicopter suffered massive mechanical failure in flight. One of our sailors was killed, and several more seriously injured, when a bagain-basement rustbucket subamarine we bought from the UK caught fire as it was being sailed to Canada on it's first voyage! Our forces personnel are among the best-trained in the world, but the Liberals have ignored their needs for so long that they have become irrelevant to the rest of the world.

Our aerospace industry used to be world-class. Canadian manufacturing and training facilities were a major contributor to the Allied victory. After costs on the Avro Arrow fighter-interceptor were allowed to run out of control under the Liberals, a newly-elected Conservative government felt obliged to make political points by cancelling the project in favour of a US Bowmark missile-based defence system that never materialised. (Kind of like the anti-missile system being proposed these days). The resulting scattering of the engineering talent from that project decimated our industry while dispersing people to the US and the UK. More recently (1993), the Liberals cancelled a contract to buy EH-101 helicopters to replace the Sea Kings that have been in use since the 60's. The cancellation of various contracts cost over a billion dollars in penalties to foreign companies, and deepened the recession here by causing major cutbacks throughout the industry. A series of contracts to buy less-capable Sikorsky helicopters is still being negotiated, and won't see delivery of any machines for another 8 years at least.

On other fronts, our national symbols have been eroded in favour of Liberal Party Trudeau-speak. (Pierre Trudeau was our Prime Minister during most of the socialist erosion of our national sovereinty and identity). Our flag, the Red Ensign was replaced with a modified version of the Liberal Party logo. Our Dominion Day national holiday was renamed Canada Day. Can you picture the reaction in the US to a proposal to change Independance Day to America Day? Or picture the French allowing Bastille Day to be renamed France Day?

The Federal government has co-opted so many areas of Provincial jurisdiction, and raised taxes to fund their interference, that we now pay more than 50% of our earnings in various forms of tax. Meanwhile the economies of the provinces have been distorted to the point that most of them no longer function. In 1949, Newfoundland very narrowly voted to join the Dominion of Canada. At the time, they had a diversified economy, and were a net exporter. Now, they have almost no industry at all, except the ruined fishery (destroyed by Federal mismanagement) and some potentially lucrative off-shore oil fields that the Feds are looking to take over. The Liberals introduced the concept of Regional Equalisation Payments in order drain money from functioning economies to help subsidise the disastrous results of Federal mismanagement. Ontario's manufacturing sector, Alberta's oilpatch, and British Columbia's forestry industry are paying billions of dollars every year to the rest of the provinces, which have become dependant on these extorted handouts instead of creating viable economies. This year, it looks like the provincial Liberal government of British Columbia has screwed up their economy to the point that they will be looking for a handout instead of contributing to the pot.

Picture how badly the US would be crippled if most of the individual States were dependant for their survival on handouts from the Federal government. Thanks to your system of checks and balances, such a top-heavy concentration of power is unlikely. Here, our system is badly dysfunctional, but because the people who have thepower to make the necessary changes are also the ones who benefit from that dysfunction, change is unlikely to happen until the voters realise just how much we have lost by allowing too much government involvement in our lives.

After 4 decades of Liberal Party rule, Canadian identity involves jurisdictional squabbles among various levels of government. Our status in the world community is a joke. We are on Al Quaida's hit list, but they haven't got 'round to us yet. They don't need to hurry - our own government has rendered us incapable of defending ourselves.
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# 9
Jolly McJollyson
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10/13/2004 7:05 pm
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]{rant}
After 4 decades of Liberal Party rule, Canadian identity involves jurisdictional squabbles among various levels of government. Our status in the world community is a joke. We are on Al Quaida's hit list, but they haven't got 'round to us yet. They don't need to hurry - our own government has rendered us incapable of defending ourselves.{/rant}[/font]

Oh I'm Proud to be a Canadian!
Where they hail the Maple Leaf!
And I'm proud of all...the Englishmen
Who gave me this land for free
And I'd gladly Stand UP
Next to you and be nice to the USA
Cuz there Ain't no doubt that I love this land
God bless you CanaDAY!
I want the bomb
I want the P-funk!

My band is better than yours...
# 10
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10/13/2004 9:08 pm
Lordathestrings, whatever you're trying to say still doesn't make sense, or at least, there's no logic behind it. It seems you're saying that the same thing is going to happen to the US if Kerry gets elected, simply because some people in Canada who voted for a liberal government would vote for Kerry. Just because those people would vote for Kerry does not mean that the course Kerry would take will be the same that messed things up in Canada.

Kerry is pretty damn conservative if you ask me, doesn't seem to me like Americans should be "afraid" of him...
# 11
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10/13/2004 9:56 pm
It was refreshing to hear a citizen of a different country go on a bitch rant for a while. I was completely unaware Canada was in bad shape, I always kinda looked up to you guys. Maybe things'll change here sometime for ya...

P.S. Lordathestrings: Can I crash at your place if my country has a draft? I'll bring a case of your favorite beer and you can teach me how to go curling or whatever it is y'all do up there :D
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# 12
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10/13/2004 10:33 pm
[font=trebuchet ms]SPL:
When I hear Kerry, it seems to me that he's pandering to the same kind of isolationist sensitivities that led to the gutting of our military. He talks large about his military record, while claiming that the US shouldn't be 'over there', while claiming he will hunt down terrorists and kill them (over there, perhaps?) I admit, just the fact that he appeals to a group of voters that is highly responsive to self-destructive policy (Central and Eastern Canadians) makes him suspect.

I hope it doesn't come to that. Canada is so ****ed-up that, in geopolitical terms, we respond to a threat by chewing our own nuts off. I was not joking when I said we are unable to defend ourselves. The threat to us all is very real, and a strong military is just one part of the required response.

You're welcome to come up for a visit. And since my favourite beer is draught, we'll have to split cab fare home.

Curling? With the NHL in lockout (bunch of millionaires arguing about how to split up the money they get from the fans who don't get a place at the bargaining table!), maybe I'll check it out. But it looks to me like a game invented by people who don't get out enough. Picture shuffle-board played on a frozen bowling lane with granite rocks?? [/font]
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# 13
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10/13/2004 11:13 pm
Originally Posted by: LordathestringsI admit, just the fact that he appeals to a group of voters that is highly responsive to self-destructive policy (Central and Eastern Canadians) makes him suspect.

I understand what you mean, I guess it just depends on how you look at it. Personally, I'd analyze that tendency as a response against Bush and not necessarily in favor of Kerry.
# 14
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10/14/2004 2:27 am
SPL...I can not see how you can view John Kerry any where close to being conservative, except his wardrobe. I respect your's and eveyones right to cast a vote for whom' ever you like and support that through your beliefs and convictions. But please let's not make a candidate something they are not. John Kerry's voting record is one of the most liberal on the hill, he requested early withdrawl from Vietnam after his third Purple Heart and then as Naval officer went on a Anti War campaign (his right), voted for federal funding of abortions, voted against the Persian Gulf war (inspite of allied and UN support), campaign primarily funded by the Tides / Foundation Center (through Theresa Heinz Kerry) which is one of the most left wing radical funding groups around. John Kerry makes Kennedy and Clinton look conservative. His Tax plan is similar to Clinton's and he opposes some of Greenspans fiscal policy (ouch!). He consistently monday morning quarterbacks many issues..The war that he proffesses is now a mistake when he had the opportunity long ago to stand against it when politcal stoves were not as hot, he plans to provide IRAN with nuclear fuel if they agree give up fuel making capabilities ( Iran has already rejected this), he plans to win the peace in Iraq with our Allies...HOW and WHO? Germany, France and Russia are not going to give back their kickbacks to help us?

John Kerry for the last month has promised this:

He will hunt down and kill Bin Laden.
He will win the peace in Iraq with our allies
He will unilaterally keep N. Korea at bay.
He will cut Middle Class Taxes and raise taxes 200K and above
He will cut the deficit in half
He will increase educational programs
He will provide a choice healthcare plan for all americans(Clinton failed in two terms on this)
He will reform the tort laws ( voted gainst this in the past)
Will put more police on the streets
The list goes on and on.....oh and by the way on November 3rd he will be able to, according to John Edwards "When John Kerry is president, people like Christopher Reeve are going to walk, get up out of that wheelchair and walk again." This was a brutal comment fron VP hopefull even though some may say it was context. (Gore made a similar faux pas 4 years ago).

You may not like Bush..he has his faults, I believe he has made some mistakes. I don't think Kerry is a bad person...I just can not trust any anyone who is an elitist liberal and has a senate hsitory which is indicitive of the far left...and I remember the Clinton promises and his last four years in office which were not the best of times as evidence by a close vote in 2000.

I appreciate views on tis matter and if I seem somewhat stubborn on this subject it is merely strong belief and conviction.

Again I urge all of to to watch 2 movies Farenheit 911 and FarenHype 911.
I think this issue is that important



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# 15
is Super Fabulous
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10/14/2004 3:46 am
Lordatthestrings, if I was wearing a hat, it would be off to you. I stopped posting on political stuff here, because it always turned into a mess. But nice to see that someone has taken up the task of debunking all the usual liberal tripe.
# 16
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10/14/2004 5:16 am
Originally Posted by: DreamRyche2112SPL...I can not see how you can view John Kerry any where close to being conservative, except his wardrobe.[/QUOTE]

I formulated it the wrong way, and I apologize for that. I should have said that he's not as liberal as I'd like him to be.

[QUOTE=Christoph]But nice to see that someone has taken up the task of debunking all the usual liberal tripe.

I wouldn't call making a false analyzation "debunking liberal tripe."
# 17
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10/14/2004 5:53 am
Originally Posted by: SPL...I wouldn't call making a false analyzation "debunking liberal tripe."
[font=trebuchet ms]FALSE?!?!?[/font] :mad:
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# 18
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10/14/2004 6:00 am
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]FALSE?!?!?[/font] :mad:


Not what you said about what happened in Cananda, but implying that the same thing will happen in the U.S.
# 19
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10/14/2004 10:36 am
Originally Posted by: Lordathestrings[font=trebuchet ms]
I hope it doesn't come to that. Canada is so ****ed-up that, in geopolitical terms, we respond to a threat by chewing our own nuts off. I was not joking when I said we are unable to defend ourselves. The threat to us all is very real, and a strong military is just one part of the required response.

You're welcome to come up for a visit. And since my favourite beer is draught, we'll have to split cab fare home.

Curling? With the NHL in lockout (bunch of millionaires arguing about how to split up the money they get from the fans who don't get a place at the bargaining table!), maybe I'll check it out. But it looks to me like a game invented by people who don't get out enough. Picture shuffle-board played on a frozen bowling lane with granite rocks?? [/font]

Even if there's a draft I doubt I'd go because I'm almost past the age. January 1st of 2005 I'll be considered a 24 year old draft-wise. They don't take you past 25. Even so, they'd have to burn through all the 20 year olds, then the 21 year olds, 22, 23, etc... But if I'm ever up your way I'll definately drop in for a visit, we could jam out and you could show me some old school stuff from the 60's-70's :D.

I'm a software developer and I got a cool idea for a program that I'll start working on here pretty soon. Details in another thread to follow...
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# 20

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