The main reason for this is because music that is popular usually isn't of high quality (as far as us guitarists can say... where did all the solos go??? :mad: ).
So the other day I turned on VH1 (I love Best week ever), and music videos were playing. The one that was on, was some song by Alter Bridge, so I decided since nothing else was on, I'd watch it.
Now I didn't expect the music to be good, but the guy seemed really into it from the video, but here's the crazy part: the guy played an actual technical solo. I mean this wasn't like all these numetal and punk rock bands. Sure it was nothing like Vai or Satch or Hendrix.... but it actually took skill.
And then the next song (which is what got me) was Heaven by Los Lonely boys. I had never heard their music, but I read in guitar world and guitar player that the guitarist had chops, and was filling the void of texas blues after SRV died. I thought that (when I read it) they would be another band you would never hear on the radio, but just saw the occasional article. Not so. We're talking music video on national television.
Ok so where am I going with this? I just wanna say that I think "real" music, that combines feeling with technical ability, like it was in the good old days (that I wasn't alive in) is coming back into the glow of the popular scene.
So to all of you that threw the radios out the window, and put a permanent block on channels such as Vh1, pretty soon (I'm hoping) you won't have to. Guitar solos, virtuoso influences and more than just power chord music is coming back :D ! Have we waited long enough?
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks