2018 has featured a number of changes for Guitartricks.com, big and small. We simply wanted to highlight some of the improvements that made it onto the website this year. And remember, there are more to come!
New Home Page
Some of our users may have already noticed this but the home page that greets you upon logging in has changed slightly.
The lessons you most recently watched are now displayed in a carousel, and in addition to this, the same treatment has been given to the latest lesson releases as well. This makes picking up right where you left off a breeze, and it gives you an easy way to see which lessons have been added.
If you’re on a desktop, you’ll also notice that to the left are buttons to access live coaching options like Guitartricks Full Access Plus and Guitartricks Pro. There is also a button that takes you to our new singing course, 30 Day Singer. Learn more about the singing course here.
Guitartricks Pro is where users may schedule 1-on-1 live lessons with our instructors. Guitar Tricks Full Access Plus are group lessons that users may join up to three times per week.
Guitartricks Full Access Plus Changes
Previously, Full Access Plus was sorted simply by the instructors and schedules. Now, classes are sorted by two skill levels: beginner and experienced.
Learn more about how Full Access Plus works, right here.
New Country Level 2 Course
We don’t often update our Core Learning System, but when we do, we make sure to achieve the absolute highest quality in guitar learning. Our new Country Level 2 course features Anders Mouridsen. Anders is a GuitarTricks.com instructor and guitarist for the Grammy-nominated country singer, Cam.
See what Anders has to say about country music and the new course right here.
Updated the Video Player
The video player went through a slight tweak this year as well. The majority of the changes to the video player are on the back end, which means the changes aren’t immediately obvious. Videos should load faster overall, including very high quality lessons that are shot and streamed at 4k.
Learn all about how the video player works right here.
Updated Privacy Policies and Making it Real Easy to Remove Your Data
We’ve updated our policies and terms to comply with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). What this translates to is that you have the ability to remove your data from our servers real easy.
Read more about our updated policies here.
We’ve Added Tons of New Songs and Artists
Last but certainly not least, we’ve added a ton of new song lessons from a variety of contemporary and classic artists.
Some of the notable artists are Rihanna, Ed Sheeran, The White Stripes, Linkin Park, Goo Goo Dolls, and other huge names! Check out the new songs right here.
Wow, that was a lot of new stuff for 2018. If you have thoughts and suggestions, please let us know in the comments.
Here’s to another great year of Guitartricks!