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Acoustic Fingerpicking Step-by-Step, Level 1B
Now that you have mastered the 4-Step Pattern, let's take things to the next level by adding variations of that pattern to create full-measure classic patterns. Along the way, you'll learn to play several classic songs, including Thyme, Blow Ye Winds of the Morning, and Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor. Get ready to ramp things up!
Lesson Info
Lisa McCormick
- Styles:
- Difficulty:
- Files
- 12 Videos / 11 Score
- Published
Tutorial Lessons
- Let's Ramp it up! Full-Measure Variation #1
- Build Your Speed: 3-Chord Practice Drill
- Build Your Speed: 4-Chord Practice Drill
- Thyme (song to play!)
- Let's Syncopate Full-Measure Variation #1
- Make Me a Pallet on Your Floor (song to play!)
- What is Travis Picking?
- Full-Measure Variation #1, with a Twist
- Full-Measure Variation #2
- Variation #2, Playalong Practice Drill
- FIngerpick it with a Groove! (variation #2)
- Blow Ye Winds of the Morning (song to play!)