- Spicing Up Your Blues Licks
- Finding the I Chord Notes
- I Chord an Octave Lower
- I Chord Play Along
- Finding the IV Chord Notes
- IV Chord Play Along
- Finding the V Chord Notes
- V Chord Play Along
- Building a Turnaround
- 12 Bar Blues Form
- Major Notes In Minor Pentatonic Play Along 80 BPM
- Major Notes In Minor Pentatonic Play Along 120 BPM
Finding the I Chord Notes
A typical blues tunes has a I-IV-V chord progression. So a blues in A has these chords - A7 (I) - D7 (IV) - E7(V) - in some order. All three of those chords are built by using the 1st, major 3rd, 5th, and minor 7th of their own scales. Like this:
A7 is A (1st) - C# (major 3rd) - E (5th) - G (minor 7th)
D7 is D (1st) - F# (major 3rd) - A (5th) - C (minor 7th)
E7 is E (1st) - G# (major 3rd) - B (5th) - D (minor 7th)
So, the trick is to find places to include the notes of those chords inside the A minor pentatonic "box" shape. Then, use them when those chords happen in the progression.
Let's find the notes of the A7 chord in the A minor pentatonic "box" shape & build a lick to play over the I chord.
Christopher Schlegel