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Sor 'Etude In B Minor' Op 35, No. 22

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This lesson is a playthrough of the complete piece. Once you have learned all the notes and hand positions, once you have a firm grasp on the mechanics of the piece, after you've memorized all the notes, then it is time to play it like a piece of music!

Tradionally, as written, the piece is played through the first section (m.1-16) once, then through the second section (m.17-46) twice. This is how we'll perform it for the first play through of this tutorial.

There are also performers that either repeat both sections (first & second), or play both sections only once.

At the end of this tutorial there is an alternate performance version in which the first & second sections are both repeated.

Lesson Info
Sor 'Etude In B Minor' Op 35, No. 22