Now it's time to try using our A, D and E chord within the same song as we used in the previous tutorial. This means that the song has the same relationship between the chords, but now it's a different chord that feels like home. You don't have to understand this on a theoretical level. Just notice how the song sounds the same, only it's in a different key.
Is it ok to just bar the A chord with the ring finger? It just seems much easier all around.
Mike Olekshy4 weeks ago
Hello - thanks so much for your question! While using your ring finger to barre the A chord works for some things, I wouldn't advise you to do this. I suggest you keep practicing to barre the 2nd fret using the index finger. The reason is that, eventually, you'll be adding other fingers onto that chord shape, and having that index finger burned in is going to facilitate it much easier.
2 months ago
Hi Anders ,You have not taught us E major in the previous lessons. E minor was the only chord chord covered in the previous videos.
Mike Olekshy2 months ago
Hello - thanks so much for your question. Anders did introduce and teach the E chord in the previous lesson:
4 months ago
When will I be able to play a real song
Mike Olekshy3 months ago
Thanks for your question! If you can play some basic open chords and strum a simple strum, you're ready to check out the songs in the Made Easy section of the song list: