Learning The A Chord

Let's break down and practice the full version of the A chord. It's not easy, so be patient with yourself and your fingers.

Locate the 2nd fret of our D string. Now place your middle finger in that fret. Locate the 2nd fret of the G-string. Place your ring finger in that fret. Finally, find the 2nd fret of the B-string. Place your pinky there.

Try strumming all six strings. Sounds totally fine, but a lot of people prefer to avoid the low E-string. But don't worry too much about that for right now!

I play these three notes with my middle, ring and pinky, because my fingers are quite large and it makes it easier for me to cram them all into the same fret. Some people prefer to use their index, middle and ring fingers and that's fine as well!

Once you've gotten your fingers in place for the A major chord, let's try picking each of the strings individually or a few at a time. Make sure they're all ringing, and if they're not it's because one of your fretting fingers is muting the adjacent string.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Chord Family In The Key of A
Any Style
Learning The A Chord song notation

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Questions & Answers

6 months ago
I have seen people fretting the A chord with just 1 finger that bars the DGB strings on the second fret, while muting the high E string with that same finger. Is this a common way to play the A-chord as well?
Mike Olekshy 6 months ago

Hello - thanks so much for your question! Yes this is also a common way to play the A chord! Usually, more experienced players will gravitate towards this as beginning guitarists find it difficult to barre across the strings cleanly. It's also tricky to be able to mute that high E string with the same finger. But it is well worth working towards being able to play the A chord this way, as it leaves your other fingers available to add notes and embellishments onto the chord.

7 months ago
instead of putting the fingers 123 or 234 on the strings, it is also possible to do 213 on the strings? it feels much more comfortable for me, but I am pretty sure this will have an impact of the change of the chords, from which one I am coming from and which chord would be the next, am I right?
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Thanks for your question! It is okay to use that fingering since it is most comfortable for you. It will impact the chord changes on either side, but I don't see that as a problem necessarily. You will adjust accordingly.

7 months ago
Using this lesson as a review. I have learned the "newer "A finger placement, first finger on third, 2nd on fourth, and third on second. Does it matter, new or traditional.
Mike Olekshy 7 months ago

Hello - thanks for your question! It does not matter - just go with what feels the most natural and comfortable for you!