Happy Birthday To You, Pt. 2

Now it's time to learn the middle part of our melody. Let's practice this middle part of the melody together, really slowly a couple of times. Feel free to just watch and listen before you start playing along yourself.

Instructor Anders Mouridsen
Extending The Major Scale
Any Style
Happy Birthday To You, Pt. 2 song notation

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Questions & Answers

2 months ago
Do I have to count in 3s for the whole thing?
Mike Olekshy 2 months ago

Hello - thanks for your question! Yes, the song is in 3/4 time - so you count each bar as 1, 2, 3. In this lesson, the first bar has notes starting on the 3rd beat - so you would count '3' for the first note, then 'and' for the second note (on the and-of-3). In the second bar, each note falls right on the beat - so the first note is on 1, the second on 2, and the third note is on 3. In the last bar, the first note is on 1, with the second note picked on 2. We let that note ring out over the 3rd beat. Hope this helps!