In this lesson we'll play the locrian mode over a backing track. I'll start by playing the chord progression, then the locrian mode in one octave, then across the fretboard in the 3-note per string pattern we learned in the previous lesson. You don't have to stick with playing only the patterns I'm playing. You should experiment with the notes to discover how the shape sounds!
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
Tutorial Lessons
- Modes of the Major Scale: Introduction
- Ionian
- Ionian Play Along
- Dorian
- Dorian Play Along
- Phrygian
- Phrygian Play Along
- Lydian
- Lydian Play Along
- Mixolydian
- Mixolydian Play Along
- Aeolian
- Aeolian Play Along
- Locrian
- Locrian Play Along
- Using All The Modes Together
- All The Modes Together Play Along
- Modes of the Major Scale: Conclusion