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Megadeth Artist Study

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Megadeth’s legendary sound is built on the foundation of Dave Mustaine’s rhythm riffing and various lead guitar players that have worked with the band. Combined they were the completely over the top metal sound of Megadeth tunes! These playing styles were firmly grounding in the early hard rock of the late 60s & 70s like Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath & the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Megadeth brought those heavy riffing traditions to the present and expanded on them into the future!

Mustaine’s rhythm playing style & high gain crunch tone was one of the most influential on modern metal. The various lead guitarists in the band used extreme speed shred & heavily saturated high gain tones.

We'll study the Megadeth guitar style by breaking it down into several key factors, learn what makes them special. Then we’ll learn to play some riffs & licks in their style. This tutorial will cover the basics of their gear and tone, the rhythm riffs, and the lead licks. So, grab your guitar and let's dive on in and check it out!

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Megadeth Artist Study