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Practicing Minor Triads & Inversions Series 1
Listen for the 1-2-3-4 count in click of the high-hat cymbals. That will tell you when to start and the tempo (how fast you can expect the pace of the music to be).
Play the first inversion triad chord voicings of the chords!
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
Tutorial Lessons
- Practicing Minor Triads 1: Introduction
- Root Position Triads
- Root Position Triads With Backing Track
- First Inversion Triads
- First Inversion Triads With Backing Track
- Second Inversion Triads
- Second Inversion Triads With Backing Track
- Close Harmony Voice Motion
- Close Harmony Version 1 With Backing Track
- Close Harmony Version 2
- Close Harmony Version 2 With Backing Track
- Close Harmony Version 3
- Close Harmony Version 3 With Backing Track
- Using All The Voicings!
- Using All The Voicings With A Backing Track
- Conclusion