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You Can't Always Get What You Want (Made Easy)
The song gets bigger! Operatic backing vocals dominate, the electric guitar and piano riff, making the whole thing BIGGER.
Notice how the lead guitar paces the solo, starting by doubling our groove, then, laying out for the big D chord moment, then easing the whole dynamic down with a rhythmic arpeggiated part.
Lesson Info
Caren Armstrong
Tutorial Lessons
- You Can't Always Get What You Want (Made Easy): Welcome
- You Can't Always Get What You Want (Made Easy): Gear & Tone
- Intro Section
- First Verse
- Chorus Section
- Breakdown Section
- Solo Chorus Section
- Final Verse
- Final Chorus and Outro
- You Can't Always Get What You Want (Made Easy): Performance
- You Can't Always Get What You Want (Made Easy): Jam Along