Now let me show you what the slide guitar is playing in the verses of this song. The first and last verse follow the typical 12 bar form, but with those iconic stops on the I-chord. In the rest of the verses the stops on the I-chord go on for twice as long, so it's a total of 8 bars instead of the usual 4.
Lesson Info
Anders Mouridsen
Tutorial Lessons
- The Seventh Son: Introduction
- The Seventh Son: Gear, Tone, and Tuning
- There is Only One: Song Intro
- Tell Your Future: Slide Verses
- Heart Feel Glad: Rhythm Verses
- Hold Ya Close: Slide Solo
- Predict the Rain: Rhythm During Solos
- I'm the One: Classic Blues Ending
- The Seventh Son: Full Performance
- The Seventh Son: Single Guitar Performance
- The Seventh Son: Jam Along