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Oh, Pretty Woman

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We're gonna need an acoustic 12 string guitar as our main instrument today, but if you're like myself and don't own one you can use an octave pedal or just a regular acoustic guitar.

We're also going to need a nice twangy clean electric tone. It's really kind of a fat sound, but it's clear and spanky at the same time. If you can, try a hollow body for this song- they really come to life in songs like this. I'm playing an Airline Tuxedo on the bridge position pickup, and I have the treble set to around 8, the mids at 8, and the bass is somewhere around 4 or 5.

Another sound that's important for the vibe of this song is the tremolo effect that appears in the bridge section of the song. This is the same tone as the clean guitar; set the tempo of the tremolo to somewhere close to 8th note triplets or 16ths. Don't set the intensity too high, a medium 12 o'clock setting will do just fine.

Lesson Info
Instructor Henrik Linde
Oh, Pretty Woman