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CAD Tuning

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If you want that heavy, tuned down sound, the big advantages of tuning down just the C string are:

1. It's quick and easy. You can do it on the fly, even live between songs, to quickly get a completely different sound.

2. It forces you to practice playing in a C environment, be it C minor or C major.

Often times players get stuck playing the same old things, in the same old keys (meaning E and A). This is especially true for rock/metal players since we like our open E and A strings so much.

If you're in drop D you're very likely to play in the key of D or D minor. With drop C tuning, which is just drop D with ALL of the strings tuned down one whole step from that, you're still thinking D when you're playing. Your mind still places your fingers in the same way you would if you were in drop D.

To get away from this and get a new sound and some fresh ideas, dropping down the E string is really effective!

Lesson Info
Instructor Ben Lindholm
CAD Tuning