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This is another strumming pattern choking barre chords, again this first one is using all downstrokes with the pick. It's an A barre chord, and we're playing eighth notes again in this one.

This time we start out choking the chord, remember choking is done with the fretboard hand. Choke the chord on "1 and" let it sound on the count of "2", and go back to choking on "and 3 and" let the chord sound on the count of "4", and go back to choking on "and".

It's not as hard as you think, the right hand is playing a continuous rhythm. Press your fretboard hand down on the count of 2, and the count of 4 so the chord will sound.

Think of how many variations there are using this choking technique, we will be playing the eighth note pattern in a progression in an upcoming lesson.

Lesson Info
Instructor J.D. Jarrell
Add Rhythm With Strumming & Muting Country Style