I don't know if that would help , but I believe that it would have been most likely for GNR to make crap music if they carried on together.
It seems to be a fact that most rock bands suck as they grow older , I don't like to call it a sell-out for money, since most of them already swim in their loads of cash , the point is that they lose their young spirit as they get older , the interests change , etc. ... I still respect old bands for what they've done, but I don't have to force myself to listen to crappy music from a band just because they used to be great some years ago.
Now I've gone way out of topic, but I wanted to say that may be it's better this way, you can still proudly say everywhere that GNR is the greatest band ... A lot of old metallica-heads I know feel sorry today that they were ever metallica fans, and are embarassed even to mention it !! :eek:
The point is , you're may be luckier than lots of other fellas at this particular point , so cheer up . :D