add ons to PA System

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06/09/2004 11:47 am
I know you need power amp, sound board, and also speakers and the cables. but what else should i get extra for the pa? just something to start with for now
Mike ;)
# 1
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06/10/2004 12:56 pm
Microphones, cables, an effects rack, In-fact all of these questions were answered in your last post ! Please don't spam up these boards !

In answer to your last question, the manuel for the desk will tell you all about hooking the PA together and the exact connections will depend on the sound desk (ie the number and configuration of busses etc). I'd shoot for a 4-6 channel which will be a good place to start !
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# 2
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06/10/2004 2:35 pm
i feel dumb asking this but what do you mean by the desk? do you mean the rack that holds it or somethin?
Mike ;)
# 3
Grizzled Spellchecker
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06/10/2004 3:42 pm
For something to start with, I would recommend a rack EQ.
... and that's all I have to say about that.

[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]

# 4
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06/10/2004 4:35 pm
A desk is a mixing desk, like one of these !

It has a channel strip for each mic input. Typically each channel strip will have a gain (small amplifier) at the top, followed by a 3 or 4 button EQ, followed by an effect send button followed by a Pan and a volume slider at the bottom.

Net end result is that you can tweak each channel coming into the desk turning it up or down to balance everything / add effects as you want. This means that if some one in the band has a louder singing voice than someone else they can be brought up to a level that can be heard.

you might want to look at one of these also

and this section also
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# 5
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06/10/2004 6:30 pm
I need pa equipment that will be good and i can stick with them for a while so i need 2 speakers,a power amp, sound board, multieffect processor,cables, mics? Is the multi effect processor an equalizor also? And i still dont know what to exactly get before i plug my amp into the soundboard.

I am thinking about getting 2 peavey 15" speakers that are 1000 a piece. if i am gonna have a trio band what type of soundboard should iget where also my drummer can mic up also?
Mike ;)
# 6
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06/10/2004 7:36 pm
You do not want to mike the drums.

You want 2 or 3 vocal mics going into a desk which feeds a power amp (maybe via an EQ, this is not essential as there are EQ features on the desk). the power amp drive the front house speakers.

You can also take another line out of the desk to feed a monitor speakers (via a second amp).

FInally on the desk there will be an input and an out put labeled effects send and effects return. Guess what goes in here, yes an effects box (like the midiverb I liked to in the previous post) !

You might want to think about one of [b] Fenders passport PA systems [/N], they are self contained and come with everything you need including instructions. It will be much cheaper than trying to cobble together a rig on your own.

Click here or here to see some examples or ready made PAs
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# 7
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06/11/2004 12:28 am
I c, yes though do seem convienient but they dont got alot of power to them, i want a pa that i dont have to sell it whenever i want to upgrade to a better one, and i want to start off with a pa system that will be good for a long time without having to worry about better equipment for a while, do you get what im trying to say?idk... i got $650 saved up for now and im thinking about getting these i want a system with plenty of wattage
Mike ;)
# 8
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06/11/2004 2:33 am
Yep they look really nice, strap 'em to a big ol rig and you are good to go !

So, speakers, and

2 or 3 x Shure SM58s + mic stands

an effects board (like the midiverb)
Speaker cable and mic cable , these are different ! A multichannel snake is nice if you can afford it, also saves a lot of time during a late night when you would rather be in bed than coiling cable.

A poweramp for the speakers

A 6-8 channel desk (this allows you to DI the bass or stick an SM57 in front of your amp) as well as feed vocal channels into the effect processor hooked up the the effects send and return ports on your desk. Don't worry about micking the drum kit, by the time you need to do this you will be playing in venues with there own PA and sound person. If your drummer is complaining about not being heard tell him / her to use the back end of there sticks.

A good friend to operate it for you whilst you are on stage . This is a very important thing as if the sound guy screw up your sound you will sound terrible !

Below are non essentials but useful bits of kit....

A poweramp for the monitors

Monitor wedges (x2) and a side fill ( a sort of monitor for drummers)
2 channel 16 band (like 16 x 2) rack mounted EQ (ART do a reasonable cheap one). You may also want to include a CD or tape player which can be used for warm-up music prior to going on stage. This can be easily patched into your desk and fed through the PA. Also great for annoying neighbors, parents, girlfriends, police officers etc etc !
a grammy !

Oh yes tell you sound man not to let people put drinks any where near your amp / desk, you may also want to get a line tester and a surge protecter / trip switch .

Best of luck and I hope you have lots of fun with the above kit !
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# 9
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06/11/2004 3:16 am
wow, that will help me out alot, thanks alot.I knew you would know this stuff from looking at your equipment on your site.( looks like expensive stuff) anyways im sure i will have more questions in the future but for now you told me a good bit,..but im sure you touched on this three or four times but im still not sure about what to do before plugging my peavey amp into the soundboard when the time comes, please explain that one more time please,

thanks a whole bunch man, hope i wasnt a pest.
Mike ;)
# 10
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06/11/2004 11:46 am
I spent many happy years mucking about with PAs, so any time you have any questions, if I can answer it I will !

Enjoy !
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# 11

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