You want 2 or 3 vocal mics going into a desk which feeds a power amp (maybe via an EQ, this is not essential as there are EQ features on the desk). the power amp drive the front house speakers.
You can also take another line out of the desk to feed a monitor speakers (via a second amp).
FInally on the desk there will be an input and an out put labeled effects send and effects return. Guess what goes in here, yes an effects box (like the midiverb I liked to in the previous post) !
You might want to think about one of [b] Fenders passport PA systems [/N], they are self contained and come with everything you need including instructions. It will be much cheaper than trying to cobble together a rig on your own.
Click here or here to see some examples or ready made PAs
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS