What guitar to get

Ok I'm looking into getting a new guitar don't know if i want an electric or acoustic yet. My options are pretty much open. At this point have have very cheap guitars. I get most of my guitars from guitar center. I have a B.C. Rich Worlock bronze series and a squier strat. And i have a mitchell acoustic and mitchell classical. I believe that some company makes mitchell strictly for guitar center stores. any 1 heard this? K so does any one have in opinions? I'm thinkin start but not sure what kind, or a matrin? what you think
# 1

I think it all depends on what sound you want. The Warlock you have has a fat tone, and that Strat has more of a clean tone. Are you looking fr something in between??
# 2

check out esp and schecter
I have an esp mh-301 but I played a schecter c-1 classic and it felt great. Go to your local shop and try playing a few higher end guitars, it will be worth to get a decent guitar now so that you dont have to go out and get a better one shortly after.
I have an esp mh-301 but I played a schecter c-1 classic and it felt great. Go to your local shop and try playing a few higher end guitars, it will be worth to get a decent guitar now so that you dont have to go out and get a better one shortly after.
# 3

i have an aria guitar, which is a strat shape, but has better pick-ups than the basic fender model which most everyone i know has. and this a great guitar. nothing that i have played compares to this in my opinion. it is great to play adn because it has such good pick ups it has a wide range of tone (i usually use a marshall 30 watt w/ dfx)
# 4

Im into a modern rock sound or 80's sound. Metallica, any type of music with distortion is good. I like the crunchy sounding music. Then i also like the clean hendrix style riffs too. I'm thinkin of possibly getting rid of the worlock and possibly getting better pick-ups for the squier strat. Think this is a good ideas. I played a ESP LTD, i guess the kirk Hammett style and it was nice. thankx alot for the feed back
# 5

I've played a couple ESP LTDs, they do have great distortion, but the clean is a little "eh". I just bought myself a Duncan Invader, and after a lil wiring, I was able to get awesome distortion with nice clean too. Try all kinds of high output hums, maybe a couple of hot rails...
# 6

See the thing is that i don't have 5 or 6 hundred dollars to drop. Unless i save up for awhile. I lookin more around 300- 400 range. Or whouldit be better to get new pickups for the warlock or squier? Which one?
# 7

Well if you are going for a new guitar, you might need to save up a little more. But, if you change pickups you're looking at 200, 225 tops, thats without installation.
# 8

Alright listen and listen good, Not too long ago when I first joined this message board I was just like you, I was cheap I didn't want to spend a lot to get a guitar, I figured hey, its a guitar how much better can that Paul Reed Smith guitar than my squier is. When I first set out to get my guitar I wanted then kirk hammet model then I realised that I was paying for a name( a name not worth paying for anymore) after I went in the shop and auctually tryed a variety of guitars I dedicided that there was a lot of better guitars outthere for the same price. Now Im using an ltd but I want to trade it in for some higher end jackson or a real esp, but I cant decide which yet maybe even a charvel, whatever you do dont get a lowend guitar instead of swapping pickups work! work around your house, mow lawns, do something and before you know it you will have enough. all you have to do is save your money or get when of those monthly payment deals from musicians friend. Right now I have been saving for an amp and I still cant decide. I even got a $200 gift certificare to Guitar center to add to my savings now I have like $650 to spend on my combo amp, but I cant decide, at first I wanted a solid state amp but now I've finally heard how much better tube is so I want like a 30-65 watt tube combo but I cant decide because my local guitar center doesn't have a varity, the only amps I've been able to play are mareshalls, fenders, crates, and a few peavy's and mesas and I like the peavy but it was an xxl. I really want to play a peavy xxx super 40 but guitar center doesn't have any, and I am also curious about laney but they dont have thos eaither. So Im getting input on the forums and reading reviews trying to decide whether or not to order a peavy xxx. By the way sorry for getting off the subject of your guitar.
# 9

Thankx alot for the info. I am saving my money for now, i think im gonna take some lessons so i can get a little more under my belt. I gotta another guitar question, ne 1 played or have a epiphone les paul or sg or ne thing? If so how they sound, feel, etc.? Are they nearly as good as a gibson. What about the schecter C-1 classic? ne takers? thankx again
# 10

Some Epiphons arent that great, but a couple are.. Dont bother with any "Specials". You should try out the SGs (the 400 sounds better).
# 11

A versitile axe imho would be an Ernie Ball Music Man, John Petrucci model.
It goes anywhere...rock, metal, blues...sexy clean...anything. I've got a bunch of geets including; a Fender Ameri-Strat, Ibanez RGs and JEM, Gibson LP...but my favorite for all occasions is the Ernie Ball MM/JP.
happy holidays!
It goes anywhere...rock, metal, blues...sexy clean...anything. I've got a bunch of geets including; a Fender Ameri-Strat, Ibanez RGs and JEM, Gibson LP...but my favorite for all occasions is the Ernie Ball MM/JP.
happy holidays!
# 12

A very crucnhy guitar that is not that expensive is an ibanez, i have 2 of them myself and i love they way they sound.
# 13

you have to consider a couple of things first before you buy a guitar. now that you've owned guitars before, by now you must have some idea of the sound that you want that's missing from the low end guitars that you own. so i'm guessing, you want to buy a better guitar- an upgrade if you will that will bring you to the next level of playing right? Ask yourself first the following questions: what's your style? what music are you trying to produce? what's your budget? Remember, you don't need to buy a very expensive guitar or a well- known brand name guitar just to get a good guitar. brand does not always equate to quality. just check out http://www.edroman.com to see what i mean. he has a lot of info about gibsons and prs that many people don't know about. to be honest, i believe there are a lot of guitars in the mid price range that would do the job. ibanezes, washburns, d'angelico, and epiphones for instance. i warn you that some people would tell you that these brands are crap but you should remember that not all guitars are the same- even the ones of the same model. You can get a crappy gibson les paul for 2k just as you can get a good quality gibson les paul depending on how smart a buyer you are. It's just a matter of being a smart buyer that's all. Always take your time and don't rush into spending. Always try as many guitars as you can- even guitars of the same model. And also, don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions! Make sure you get every buck that you spend worth it, and lastly, always visit more than two stores for the best bargain. That's what I did. I just upgraded from a samick strat (my first elec. guitar which i got when I was 13) to an epiphone les paul hollowbody. A lot of people made fun of me at first because everyone upgraded to prs and gibsons while I got a lower end epiphone. they said the epiphones were crap but when they tried mine, they were amazed at the sound. Even my luthier was surprised. He told me that my epi is one of the best sounding guitar that he's heard and that I lucked out on that one. I recently made mods to it like adding a tp 6 tail piece, 57 classic pickups, vintage grover tuners, graphtech ghost (piezo) and hexpander system (synthesizer and midi capabilites) and i've turned it from a beautiful sounding guitar into my dream guitar. I admit it's more versatile than most guitars and is one of the most beautiful sounding too if not the best to my ears- way better than my friend's gibsons and is more playable than my friend's prs santana.
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 14

may i also add, when buying a guitar, don't get into the hype of buying a guitar just because so and so uses it. Rock and roll was never about conformity in the first place. We all want to sound like our fave idols but in the and, you want to have your own individual tone. Make sure that when you buy a guitar, you buy it because it suits you-your taste, your style, your personality. In the end, you can mod it when you get money like I did. The important thing is to make it your own, man. Make the guitar you. Good luck buying your new guitar. Peace out!
"Lets see… well I play the guitar and when I'm not playing the guitar, I think about playing the guitar. My other favorite instrument, is the guitar and if I aspired to play any other instrument, it would be the guitar...
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
I can’t sing so I sing through my guitar. So when the sound guy says: “Your guitar is too loud!” I think: "Why does he never say that to the vocalist?"
# 15