Saddam Hussein officially captured!

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12/16/2003 2:33 pm
I was totally opposed to the war,but it's funny I kinda felt good that Saddam was captured.If only the circumstances were different,it would be great news.
Even then,it still makes me feel that tad bit happy,coz when his whereabouts were unknown,it was going to be a problem coz you see,befeore the war,we knew he had nukes and **** to kill the world n times over,and all his WMD's were ready to launch in two seconds,but with the war and all,he hid his stuff and no one knew how soon it could be launched.But now that we have him,I aint worried about two seconds any more!
Anyhow,it's good he's caught,coz he did **** his people up.
If only the circumstances were different!
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12/16/2003 3:05 pm
Yeah,the 'war' seems to be a occupation now.Saddam is a mere trophy.We havn't won the real prize(ending conflict in iraq and giving it back to the people),but I wonder if anyone really wants the prize.It should heal itself with time like most wars/conflicts do sooner or later.Sit back and ride the patriotic wave and watch the power war rage on.
I think the trade off of hassles and basic freedoms just for a miniscule increase in national security is ridiculous.Everyone had there eyes open into a year after 911,but we are nodding off again.It will take another catastrophy to open them again in the future.I really dont see the U.S making any progress by simply ousting a dictator...yet its dragged on like a bad post such as this.I'm done...Not sure what you said about the monetary system/s Azrael.. but as long as theres a monetary system,we wont make much progress here or anywhere else.

Later! \m/
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# 2
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12/16/2003 3:09 pm
whatever all this polotics and junk make my head hurt. everyone stop aruging, it doesn't matter as long as we can all sit down in some room and play a lick on our guitars anyway..................right? so stop all the aruging, this post was only meant to say "saddam is captured".
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# 3
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12/16/2003 4:05 pm
Originally posted by kingdavid
we knew he had nukes and **** to kill the world n times over,and all his WMD's were ready to launch in two seconds,

no he hadnt - not a single one has ever been found. do they still tell you that he had that weapons??

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# 4
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12/16/2003 4:08 pm
Not around here, but this is a fairly liberal campus. I'm sure somewhere people still believe it.
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# 5
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12/16/2003 4:51 pm
Bush went to war with Iraq by telling us Saddam had tons of WMD and he was just itching to use them on the free world. I saw Chris Rock in Miami about 2 weeks ago and he made me laugh by saying that "Bush didn't find so much as a wiffle-ball-bat over there". So basically North Korea (Kim Jong Il) was like, "Hey, I have nuclear weapons, and I want to use them". And Bush was like, "No, Iraq is the bigger threat, Saddam tried to kill my daddy". The way the Bush administration morphed Osama into Saddam was unbelievable to me. Middle America are such suckers for patriotic psycho-babble. Once it became increasingly clear to Bush that Saddam didn't have any WMD's. They spun the whole "War on Iraq" as a campaign to liberate Iraq from a dictator. Fine, but why didn't he say so in the first place. Why does our country always have to act as the world's policeman. He kept saying that Saddamn, gassed his own people, which I totally believe. It's well documented fact that Saddam gassed the kurdish people of Northern Iraq during his father's administration. No one seemed to give a **** then. It wasn't until August of 1990 when Iraq invaded Kuwait that Bush Sr. did anything. I'll summarize here: IMO Bush went to war with Iraq because of Oil (read my Halliburton comment earlier on this thread), and because of a personal vendetta. If I'm wrong; however, that means that America must liberate EVERY nation ruled by a dictator, else we are hypocrites. [/end_rant]
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# 6
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12/16/2003 5:14 pm
Originally posted by Leedogg
I'll summarize here: IMO Bush went to war with Iraq because of Oil (read my Halliburton comment earlier on this thread), and because of a personal vendetta.

Add to that the fact that he probably was aiming for some extra votes for 2004. He had/has to take precautions, he might actually not be put in the White House if he loses the presidential election again in 2004.
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12/16/2003 5:28 pm
Originally posted by Leedogg
"Bush didn't find so much as a wiffle-ball-bat over there". So basically North Korea (Kim Jong Il) was like, "Hey, I have nuclear weapons, and I want to use them". And Bush was like, "No, Iraq is the bigger threat, Saddam tried to kill my daddy".


Still laughing mfao at that one.
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# 8
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12/16/2003 6:25 pm
Kim Jong Il and the ones before them have always made threats and how they have nuclear programs and other stuff..North Korea is like a big joke,they say all this stuff but never do it..this has happened for quite along time..the thing about sadamm is more than just personal issues and daddy issues
the guy is like a mass murdered, he gasses people like some one previously said, he has mass grave yards of iraqs that his amry has killed, the list goes on..alot of iraqis dont like him either but were to frightened (he would probaby kill the person and his family line) for their life to do somthing..but then there are iraqis that dont hate him
(*IMHO*) sadam is a coward
theres my 3 cent

[Edited by ketsueki15 on 12-16-2003 at 12:28 PM]
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12/16/2003 11:08 pm
Originally posted by Leedogg
I saw Chris Rock in Miami about 2 weeks ago and he made me laugh by saying that "Bush didn't find so much as a wiffle-ball-bat over there". So basically North Korea (Kim Jong Il) was like, "Hey, I have nuclear weapons, and I want to use them". And Bush was like, "No, Iraq is the bigger threat, Saddam tried to kill my daddy". The way the Bush administration morphed Osama into Saddam was unbelievable to me. Middle America are such suckers for patriotic psycho-babble. , that means that America must liberate EVERY nation ruled by a dictator, else we are hypocrites. [/end_rant]

hehehe... that post made my day. That isn't much considering my day though, but thanks anyways Lee. :)

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12/17/2003 5:35 am
Originally posted by iiholly
hehehe... that post made my day. That isn't much considering my day though, but thanks anyways Lee. :) [/B]

Hey, glad I was able to spread a little joy to someone :)
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12/17/2003 5:39 am
Originally posted by PonyOne
...move to Sweden (which I & the Mrs. plan to do if Bush wins another term).

Funny you should mention that. I plan on moving to Vancouver, Canada if he wins another one. I'll move there and never follow politics again just to spare my sanity. I hate arguing about this crap, but also hate biting my tongue....
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# 12
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12/17/2003 6:46 am
its interresting to see that the overall vibe of this thread is more like "thumbs down" for Mr. Bush while back in that real looong thread at the beginning of this year some folke here where like "we know that he has nukes and wmdĀ“s and he has not proven otherwise" and whatnot.

I cant help but feeling a bit of satisfaction inside - and i feel like shouting "see?? told ya!!" ... of course i would never do that. *LOL*

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# 13
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12/17/2003 12:42 pm
It is easy for a presidnet to be popular or gain support through war were results are emminent, its presedents/world leaders that can make prosperity through peace or everday actions that truley deserve to be on top
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 14
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12/18/2003 1:34 pm
Azrael,I was being sarcastic.
Have a look at this gem people

# 15
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12/18/2003 3:05 pm
LMFDAO!!! Great!

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# 16
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12/18/2003 5:31 pm
Az: That doesn't look like a care-bear. More like a nazi-death-bear. LMAO!
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12/19/2003 9:03 am
Flippy ROCKS!

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12/20/2003 2:08 am

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# 19
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12/20/2003 2:12 am
Oh lord...

# 20

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