Saddam Hussein officially captured!

Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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12/15/2003 11:03 pm
I agree with both of you on certain issues. Iiholly, we wouldn't have lost in North Korea, but their leader should also be removed from power. Were Bush to say this he would be accused of war-mongering and whatnot, bbut that's not the point. What I was going to say before I went off on a small tangent is that North Korea threatens, but does not pose a threat. North Korea has had a running history of threatening the US (along with every other country in the world) every five years or so just to make sure that no one will attack them. Seriously, read up on it, this isn't the first time North Korea has drawn attention to themselves to assure their security. That said, North Korea's so-called "leader" is a threat to all the progress human rights organizations have made in the past 45 years and really is a threat, but he's more of a threat to his own people who, much like the Iraqis, are terribly (and undeniably) opressed. Ketsueki, she can question authority all she wants, and perhaps she will do something about it, so lay off on her just a little, dude. Nothing wrong with you voicing your opinion as well, but don't make unfounded accusations.

[Edited by Jolly McJollyson on 12-15-2003 at 05:05 PM]
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12/15/2003 11:09 pm
I do not care what happens to the wrld.... as long as i can still play guitar............. (JK)
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# 2
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12/15/2003 11:24 pm
i agree Jolly...North Korea is famous for just making threats and usually not living up to them for the past who knows how many years. Heres a settling fact of the Korean war no one won or lost it was a draw because of the treaty which established the demarcation line known as the 38 parallel(Panmujon) and the American forces not only fought the N Koreans but their Chinese allies at Chosin resivoir in north korea as well. This was settled with bloodshed. Americans were out numbered on a ration of 4:1 but came back to fight even though the Americans were still outnumbered after that loss. After the treaty between north korea and south korea China basically dropped out of the war because they had nothing to gain/loose. The parallel is patrolled by both countries today and is there to keep the north koreans from going south and stop the south koreans from going north. Today South Korea is the economic power house and north Korea is strictly a 3rd world country. Thier leadership continues to rattle the sabers because they think they can use this as leverage within the civilized societies. This being said I've gather my sources from my dad who is an active duty Air Force member and lived in South Korea for a year for those of you who doubt my information.

[Edited by ketsueki15 on 12-15-2003 at 05:30 PM]
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 3
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12/16/2003 1:12 am
Originally posted by ketsueki15
I agree with Jolly McJollyson
iiholly: go ahead question his authority but are you going to do anytihng about it?? probably not, you will be like the most of us and sit around complaining about it
"The only reason we didn't go to North Korea is because we knew we would lose, judging from history"
how exactly do you know??? (IN MY OPINION)we didnt go to war because we know we would lose., we didnt go to war with them because engaging in such acts would allow Korea to start a nuclear war or use their nukes. A couple of nukes could easily take out north korea but thats not we do to this day and americas army easily outnumbers north koreas
"Plus, people aren't stupid. If someone tries to high-jack a plane again, the passengers will do something about it."
so your telling me if a couple of people on a plane have
Ak 47 that your going to stand up and do somthing..i seriously doubt will just be one less person for them to kill

You know the plane on 9-11 that was taken down by a few passengers? Ya, well thats my proof... We the American "muts" tend to surprise everyone with our capabilities. Honestly though do you think with all our security someone is going to be able to get an AK 47 on a plane. North Korea has threatened to use the nukes repeatively.
Who are you to judge what I am going to politically when I'm older anyways. I'm not saying I'm going to be a politcal activist or anything, but you don't know that. I do have plans politically, so take your assumptions and shove them up your... finger?
We've lost in North Korea before, so we'd probably lose again...

# 4
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12/16/2003 1:35 am
Go go iiholly !!!

Accountability is the corner stone of any democracy, that is why freedom of the press and media impartiality is so important. And also why censorship can be a bad thing!

The alternative situation, where the governing body is not accountable to the electorate (or anyone else), is called a dictatorship.

You get involved every time you vote! You also get involved every time you voice an opinion (informed or otherwise).

[Edited by Dr_simon on 12-15-2003 at 07:42 PM]
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Jolly McJollyson
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12/16/2003 1:45 am
Actually we won in North Korea. The goal was to keep South Korea free, it obviously still is. We lost in Vietnam if you want to view it that way (although militarily we were doing very well). However, I do agree more with Iiholly, she can say whatever she wants.
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# 6
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12/16/2003 1:50 am
I think u guys totally over estimate the power of our nat'l security.... a frikin 18 year old snook on with box cutters.... just to prove that point.

I could probaably walk in with a frikin satchel charge.... and theyd probabaly welcome me frist class.

But our nat'l secxurity needs to improve.

On another hand.... i do not think north korea would ever be able to holds up a good fite on us in a war..... we have so many interceptors..... of nukes that is..... and our millitary is reallly strong.... North Korea may have the bomb power... but theyd actually have to get into our country fist (except on naval sub attacks... which we would still seize).

We have a awesome millitary... but i feel our nat'l security needs to improve much.
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# 7
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12/16/2003 1:51 am
ok they might not beable to get one on a plane now but before the security thing im sure they could have easily gotten one on a plan..maybe a bomb who knows..theres certain materials that dont go off under the detectors
"Who are you to judge what I am going to politically when I'm older anyways" if that isnt the biggest joke ive heard..your 15 the time you got your permit i have had my drivers liscense for who knows how much longer
basically your not older
shove them up my finger??? how old are you again??? lol
yes we lost battles in korea but it was to a combined force of chinese and koreans..this happened in early 1950's which was only a couple of years after WWII
"We've lost in North Korea before, so we'd probably lose again..." your assuming we would loose when im not to sure if you know how much the military has advanced when it comes to weapons (bombs and other explosives) and tactics.. america is one of the only Super Powers left (i dont know if you consider Russia one since they broke up)
so i guess you can "take your assumptions and shove them up your... finger?"
if i sound like ans will get over it
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 8
Jolly McJollyson
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12/16/2003 1:57 am do sound like an ass...I regret agreeing with you on the issue of whether or not Iiholly could say such things as she said.

Next time get your point across instead of attacking her personally. You have the rhetorical skills of a five year old calling names. You are right about North Korea, so I'll give credit where it's due, but I really can't stand when people do dumb sh** like you're doing ketsueki.

[Edited by Dr_simon on 12-15-2003 at 08:55 PM]
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12/16/2003 2:20 am
like i said will get over it

it would be nice if some people would study about the Korean war history before engaging in an arguement and making non factual statements
i wouldnt call it attacking more like quoting her and stating my opinion..this is a free country isnt it and i have the right to state my opinion and if other dont like it then that becomes their own person issue/problem and this is a forum so i will post my opinion how i want disregarding the way other people will take it
if you re-read the post we both have had our equal shares of "attacking" so if your trying to say that ive done all the "attacking" you are clearly wrong.

[Edited by Dr_simon on 12-15-2003 at 08:57 PM]
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 10
Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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12/16/2003 2:25 am
You were the instigator. And I called names because the purpose of my post was to call you names, not to argue whether or not the Korean War was a victory.
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12/16/2003 2:29 am
Lol i think we should all just drop it.... this is what you get when you talk polotics.....

U guys r like Jefferson and Hamilton.... u could never agree.

And just to let you guys kno Hamilton was shot.... by a vice president.

I think we are all mature enuff... to get over this... this is all opinionated... and name kalling i do not feel is necessary... because it usually just akes the matter worse. Can we please get past this???
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# 12
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12/16/2003 2:41 am
the purpose of my post was to tell you to "get over it" obviously you havent yet but i agree with you dream i will drop this neverending fued with Jolly and continue on with something else
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 13
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12/16/2003 2:46 am
People compain the ignorace of youth, and then people turn around and complain when we actually have an opinion. *shrugs*. Arguing over politics is pointless... its not like you're going to change anyones mind. I was just trying to not offend anyone with the finger thing, and I won't take it back and say oh that was so immature. I was just trying to keep it clean. Oh yes, I'm 5 years old too... don't mind me while I go back studying for my exams now. I mean thats what all 5 year olds do, its all the rage!

# 14
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12/16/2003 2:47 am
i bet......
In memory of Randy Rhoads
# 15
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12/16/2003 3:02 am
Chill folks, flaming one another is very uncool and catching iiholy in the crossfire is not even slightly good although I’m sure iiholy is more than capable of defending her self!

Agree, disagree, post your opinion, have a rant (whatever) but remember the rules that you agreed to when you signed up for GT membership. No racism, no flaming etc etc

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12/16/2003 3:20 am
Originally posted by Azrael
saddam captured - well - but bush is still free...


we should do somethin'.

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# 17
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12/16/2003 3:22 am
I feel loved. Anywas, we should be doing something. Lets get the bastardo, and have a village stoning! It'll be fun!

# 18
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12/16/2003 7:48 am
hehe. this is all realy funny. all that talk about democracy, freedom of speech, free media and all that.

one thing i tell you - it is money, that rules the world. Sad but true.

If elections were to actually change something, they had already been forbidden.

you have to be the sole ruler of the planet to change something - else there will always be someone with more money and thus more power to put you down on behalf of his own interrests.

i kept myelf out of this arguement because i know that there is no point argueing. those die hard believers of american justice and glory will never change their mind, not even if their government slaps them in the face.

the only thing that i am pretty sure of is (as i mentoined in another thread where i talked about our monetary system) that this whole game will end in a big bang sooner or later (and i´m compelled to think that it will be sooner as i like).

the big question is - will we start the SAME game again?
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# 19
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12/16/2003 10:06 am
So, they've got Saddam. Now the world should go for the criminals who kept him in power. Stand up Mrs Thatcher, mssrs Cheney, Bush snr, Rumsfeld, Chirac and all the other corrupt hypocrits who are happy to sell arms to dictators who do 'good' business. B***ards like Rumsfeld make me sick.
# 20

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