With the Fat sound i'd be getting out of it, I wouldn't have the use for effects anymore (right now i'm down to using just Delay, to thicken up my tone.) . Yeah, I'm a purist!
Come to think of it, I never really liked effects all that much; i've always thought of it as in that one quote "A man shall not be judged on what he can live with, but what he can live without"; Basically, how i turn that into a guitar-quote is "A Guitarist shall not be judged on the number of effects he can use while playing, but by the lack of effects in which he can still competently play".
Now, I can get a thick tone by simply adding distortion, but I really don't want to. There's a clear difference to my ears between a thick-sounding pickup and simply adding distortion, and i prefer the thick pickup.
So what i'm looking for is some NECK pickups that can get some real nice, mellow, thick jazz sounds.
Pony already suggested the TV Jones pickup.
Got any? feel free to reply.