But, even though it was a musical joke, there is something cool going on with the melody even though it is simple and stupid -- and it's a trick you can use as a kind of "multiplier" if you want to add complexity to a melody with few notes.
here's the tune (a small download):
Each note of the melody (let's assume the basic melody is comprised of 8th notes) has been "multiplied" in a way by playing a tetrachord (4-note scale) in place of the single note (so, in effect, instead of 8th notes you get 32nd notes) BUT! and this is the important part, as you listen to the track you'll notice that the effect is still that you're listening to 8th notes that have 4 sides to each of them them...kinda prismatic 8th notes instead of plain vanilla 8th notes. The surplus notes more or less swirl around the tonic.
The criteria for note choice would be the same for any chord scale:
C = C D E G
G = G A B C
this works great when the original melody is made up of half notes and quarter notes especially
If you want to give it a try there's a lesson at my homepage that goes more in-depth